Summary: Petition for partial exemption from WAC 480-07-520, work paper filing requirements for general rate cases, and proposed general rate increase that would generate approximately $283,700 (2.7 percent) additional annual revenue to recover the increased cost of disposal fees set by Recycling Disposal Service, Inc., (RDS) and by Republic Services d/b/a Recomp of Washington, Inc. On July 1, 2014, disposal fees will increase from $78.40 per ton to $98.74 per ton at the RDS Ferndale facility and from $78.40 per ton to $78.75 per ton at the Recomp of Washington site. There is also a proposed $0.35 increase (credit decrease from a debit of $0.12 to a debit of $0.47) per month for residential recycling customers and proposed $0.18 increase (credit decrease from a debit of $0.15 to a debit of $0.33) per yard for multi-family recycling customers. The company serves approximately 25,000 residential and commercial garbage customers, 20,000 residential and 700 multi-family recycling customers in Whatcom County.