UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 150592


Filter by document type: All | Amendment | Certificate | Document | Order - Open Meeting Final
Document Type Date Description
Certificate 03/11/2022 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plant.
Order - Open Meeting Final 12/23/2021 Order 01, Granting Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plant for Hire in the Goldendale, Washington Area Within Klickitat County. (UG-210121)
Amendment 02/23/2021 Application to Amend a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plant for Hire, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball. (UG-210121)
Certificate 12/29/2021 Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. (UG-210121)
Certificate 09/13/2018 Certificate of Convenience and Public Necessity, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Paul Kimball. (via web portal)
Document 09/13/2018 Order 01, Order Granting Application of Avista Corporation to Amend its Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plant for Hire in the Spokane, Pullman, Clarkston, Colfax, Colville, Kettle Falls, Albion, Palouse, Odessa, Harrington, Davenport, Endicot, and Goldendale, and surrounding areas. (UG-170297)
Document 09/13/2018 Appendices: A-1 and Map - Spokane County; A-4 and Map - Pullman, Whitman County; A-5 and Map - Clarkston, Asotin County; A-6 and Map - Colfax, Whitman County; A-12 and Map - Colville-Kettle Falls, Stevens County; A-16 and Map - Albion-Palouse, Whitman County; A-17 and Map - Harrington-Odessa, Lincoln County; A-19 and Map - Endicott, Whitman County; and A-21 and Map - Goldendale, Klickitat County. (UG-170297)
Document 09/13/2018 Appendix List.
Document 10/08/1997 Appendix A-10, Stevens County (UG-971232).
Document 05/16/1997 Appendix A-11, Stevens County (UG-970597).
Document 05/10/1995 Appendix A-12, Stevens County (UG-941546).
Document 10/16/1991 Appendix A-1, Spokane County (UG-911028).
Document 09/11/1991 Appendix A-10, Spokane County (UG-910528).
Document 01/23/1991 Appendix A-10, Stevens County (UG-900979).
Document 01/23/1991 Appendix A-1, Spokane County (UG-900937).
Document 01/23/1991 Appendix A-21, Klickitat County (UG-900905).
Document 01/17/1991 Appendix A-21, Whitman County (UG-900873).
Document 11/08/2012 Order 01, Order Granting Application to Amend Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plant for Hire within Franklin County (UG-121584).
Document 09/14/2005 Order 01, Order Granting Application, Amended Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plan for Hire in the General Area of Spokane County (UG-050983).
Document 04/25/2001 Appendix A-17, Lincoln County (UG-010319).
Document 03/24/1970 Appendix A-10, Stevens and Spokane Counties, Appendix A-17, Lincoln County (U-9954).
Document 04/16/1969 Appendix A-6, Franklin County (U-9893).
Document 05/29/1968 Appendix A-1, Adams County (U-9831).
Document 04/24/1968 Appendix A-15 and A-16, Whitman County (U-9826)
Document 04/07/1967 Appendix A-13, Lincoln County, A-14, Adams County (U-9764).
Document 04/15/1966 Appendix A-1 and A-3, Spokane County, A-2, Whitman County, A-10 , Stevens and Spokane County and A-11, Stevens County, A-12, Stevens County (U-9676)
Document 02/26/1965 Appendix A-1, Spokane County (U-9591)
Document 10/09/1961 Appendix A-7, A-8, and A-9, Whitman County (U-9288).
Document 04/07/1960 Appendix A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, and A-5, Adams, Whitman, Skamania, Whitman, and Grant Counties (U-9197)
Document 05/15/1959 Appendix A-1, A-2 and A-3 Adams, Whitman, and Skamania Counties (U-9121).
Document 04/02/1959 Appendix A-4 and A-6, Whitman County (U-9115).
Document 09/10/1958 Appendix A-5, Asotin County (U-9052).
Document 05/07/1958 Appendix A-1, Goldendale WA (U-9038).
Document 10/19/1956 Appendix A-1, A-2, and A-3, Spokane County, and A-4, Whitman County (U-9022, U-9023).
Document 02/20/1958 Appendix A-1 and A-2, Whitman and Adams County (U-9012).
Document 04/03/1957 Appendix A-1, Adams County (U-8891)
Document 10/19/1956 Appendix A-1 thru, A-4, Spokane County (U-8889).
Document 06/27/1988 Appendix A-1, Spokane and Stevens County (U-88-1884-G).
Document 06/26/1986 Appendix A through F, Spokane, Asotin, and Stevens County (U-86-84).
Document 07/02/1959 Appendix A-1, A-2, A-3, and A-4, amended, In the Matter of the Application of Eastern Washington Natural Gas Company, Inc., to Reflect the Change in Its Corporate Name to that of Columbia Gas Company, by Order Amending Its Presently Held Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plant for Hire and to Also Include in the Amended Certificate the Area Presently Certificated to the Goldendale Natural Gas Company, Inc., dated July 2, 1959. (U-9136)
Document 11/13/1985 Appendix A-24, Adams County (U-85-67).
Document 03/13/1974 Appendix A-18, Adams County, A-19, Whitman County, A-20, Skamania County, A-21, Klickitat County, A-22, Grant County and A-23, Franklin County (U-75-53).
Certificate 10/31/2016 Certificate of Convenience and Public Necessity, on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, from Wendy Manskey. (via email)
Certificate 04/16/2015 Avista Corporation's Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Gas Plant for Hire, dated November 8, 2012.