Summary: Revises Tariff WN U-3, the purpose of this conservation program adjustment (CPA) filing is to pass on changes in the amount of conservation program expenditures affecting customer rates as a result of deferral account amortizations. The rates contain information developing the level of the per therm change necessary to amortize the outstanding deferral balances of $8,223,271 for the twelve months ended July 31, 2022.
The $8,223,271 is comprised of $2,626,039 for the residential program, $1,676,753 for the commercial program, $542,000 for the low-income program, $2,741,039 is for administration costs, and $637,440 is for the residual balance from last year’s filing. The total amortization requested in this filing is a debit of $7,752,622. The annual revenue change reflected in this filing is an increase of $56,397 to customers, or an increase in annual revenue of 0.02 percent.