City of Bingen (Petition re: Railroad-Highway Grade Separation), Docket TR-230483

Procedural History

Petition June 15, 2023: The City of Bingen filed with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission a petition to construct a railroad-highway grade separation at Elm Street in the City of Bingen, Washington, over railroad tracks belonging to BNSF Railway.

Notice of Prehearing Conference July 10, 2023: The commission issued a Notice of Prehearing Conference scheduling a virtual prehearing conference on August 2, 2023, at 1:30 p.m.

Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference July 31, 2023: The commission issued a Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference, that rescheduled the virtual prehearing conference to Aug. 23, 2023, at 10:30 a.m.

Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference Aug 21, 2023: The commission issued a Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference, that rescheduled the virtual prehearing conference to Feb. 15, 2024, at 10:30 a.m.

Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference Feb. 13, 2024: On Feb. 9, 2024, the parties notified the presiding officer that the City and BNSF were continuing to negotiate an agreement and requested a continuance of the Feb. 15 prehearing conference to allow sufficient time to complete negotiations. The commission found good cause to continue the virtual prehearing conference and issued a Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference, that rescheduled the virtual prehearing conference to June 18, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. To attend the hearing by telephone, please call (253) 215-8782 and enter the Meeting ID: 880 0342 1446# and Passcode: 990225#. To attend via Zoom, please use the following link: Click to Join Meeting.

Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference June 17, 2024: The commission issued a fourth Notice Continuing Prehearing Conference, that rescheduled the virtual prehearing conference to Aug.16, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. To attend the hearing by telephone, please call (253) 215-8782 and enter the Meeting ID: 880 0342 1446# and Passcode: 990225#. To attend via Zoom, please use the following link: Click to Join Meeting.