UTC Company Details

Northwest Distribution and Storage, Inc.

Basic Information

UTC IDCompany NameUBIDBA(s)Industries (code)Status
38529 Northwest Distribution and Storage, Inc. 602121188 Motor Freight Carrier (200)

Company Contacts

Contact TypeNameTitlePhoneFaxEmail
Primary Jason Flaig President 503-362-2212 503-480-0488 jflaig@nwdist.com

Company Address

Address TypeAddress
Mailing Address 1745 Oxford Street SE Ste 150, Salem, OR 97302

Permits / Industry

CodeIndustryStatusUSDOTActive Permit(s)Perm or Temp
200 Motor Freight Carrier Active 735976 RB000156 Permanent
200 Motor Freight Carrier Active 735976 CC069534 Permanent