UTC Company Details

GreenPro Spray and Lawn Maintenance LLC

Basic Information

UTC IDCompany NameUBIDBA(s)Industries (code)Status
49346 GreenPro Spray and Lawn Maintenance LLC 603216114 Motor Freight Carrier (200)

Company Contacts

Contact TypeNameTitlePhoneFaxEmail
Primary Ryan Turner President 509-995-3235 ryan@greenprosprayandlawn.com

Company Address

Address TypeAddress
Physical Address 7911 E Bigelow Gulch Rd, Spokane, WA 99217
Mailing Address 7911 E Bigelow Gulch Rd , Spokane, WA 99217

Permits / Industry

CodeIndustryStatusUSDOTActive Permit(s)Perm or Temp
200 Motor Freight Carrier Active 2021316 CC070652 Permanent