UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

UTC Company Details

Carrillos Trucking LLC

Basic Information

UTC IDCompany NameUBIDBA(s)Industries (code)Status
50457 Carrillos Trucking LLC 605607961 Motor Freight Carrier (200)

Company Contacts

Contact TypeNameTitlePhoneFaxEmail
Primary Aldy Mendez Carrillo Owner 509-851-0720 aldymendez@yahoo.com

Company Address

Address TypeAddress
Mailing Address 1303 14th St, Benton City, WA 99320

Permits / Industry

CodeIndustryStatusUSDOTActive Permit(s)Perm or Temp
200 Motor Freight Carrier Active 4303763 CC071495 Permanent