UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 240930

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number TS-240930
Company Arrow Launch Service, Inc.
Filing Type Petition for Accounting Order
Industry (Code) Commercial Ferries (216)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Sevall, Scott (UTC)
Filed Date 11/26/2024
Effective Date N/A
Summary A petition seeking to defer recovery of repower assets and to establish a surcharge of $4.93 per hour during the construction phases of the repower project.

Event History

  • 12/19/2024 -- Approved (Commissioner Rendahl moved to issue an Order granting the less than statutory notice and allowing Arrow Launch Services, Inc. to defer the costs to re-power vessels for recovery during a future general rate case and allow a surcharge published in a supplement to take effect January 1, 2025, subject to the following conditions: • Arrow will file for rates within 6 months of receiving the federal funding for the final boat re-powered. • Arrow will have to account for project costs, federal funding, and funds received through any approved surcharge. • The surcharge revenue will be maintained in a sub-account and not co-mingled with other revenue. • The surcharge for the open construction loan will cover only interest and will be calculated at the average interest due for the year. • Surcharge amount approved for a finalized loan will be for principle and interest, minus operational savings. • The principle recovered through the surcharge mechanism will offset the asset cost, when the asset is recovered in general rates. • The amortization period of the re-power assets is 30 years. • Arrow shall file a report each year that the surcharge is in place, reporting the amount of revenue received from the surcharge, a listing of which assets were completed, and the most recent 12-months’ maintenance and fuel costs. Commissioner Doumit seconded the motion. The motion carried (3:0) )
  • 12/19/2024 -- Closed
  • 12/19/2024 -- Open Meeting
  • 11/26/2024 -- Pending
  • 11/26/2024 -- Open