UTC Building Closed on Wednesday, Nov. 6

The office will reopen to the public with normal business hours on Thursday, Nov. 7.

UTC Company Details

Effort Enterprises of Tacoma, Inc.

Basic Information

UTC IDCompany NameUBIDBA(s)Industries (code)Status
42526 Effort Enterprises of Tacoma, Inc. 603277851 Atlantic Relocation Systems Household Goods Carriers (207)

Company Contacts

Contact TypeNameTitlePhoneFaxEmail
Primary 253-475-3533 253-474-7932 jon.schroeder@atlanticrelocation.com

Company Address

Address TypeAddress
Physical Address 1314 Chattahoochee Ave NW, Atlanta, GA 30318-2829
Mailing Address 2121 S. 80th Street, Tacoma, WA 98409-8439

Permits / Industry

CodeIndustryStatusUSDOTActive Permit(s)Perm or Temp
207 Household Goods Carriers Active 2385545 HG064879 Permanent