Displaying 31051 - 31100 of 34984
Docket Company Name(s) Type Status Last Order Industry Description
001315 Puget Sound Energy Petition Closed 09-27-2000 Natural Gas Petition for an order regarding the accounting treatment for the Company's Investment in piping and venting associated with the installation of leased gas equipment and associated accounting order.
001314 Asotin Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-3, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001313 Lewis River Telephone Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-2, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001312 McDaniel Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-4, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001311 WICKKISER INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES INC Petition Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to add Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 3, reflecting an increase in rates of $.25 for one way and $.50 for round trip fares.
001309 Qwest Corporation Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-40, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001293 Pioneer Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-3, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001292 St. John, Co-operative Telephone And Telegraph Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-1, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001291 Tenino Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff W.D.P.U. No. 1, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001290 Kalama Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-1, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001289 Inland Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-5, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001288 Inland Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-5, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001287 Western Wahkiakum County Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-4, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001286 Hood Canal Telephone Co., Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-2, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001285 Whidbey Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-5, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up program.
001284 Hat Island Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-1, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001280 Pend Oreille Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-1, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001279 YCOM Networks Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-3, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001278 Mashell Telephone Company, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-3, reflecting conformation with FCC Requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001277 Ellensburg Telephone Company Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-2, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001276 Toledo Telephone Co., Inc., The Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to revise Tariff No. WN U-1, reflecting conformation with FCC requirements on Lifeline and Link Up programs.
001275 Petition Closed 09-28-2000 Telecommunications Petition of Patricia A. Atkinson to modify the dialing plan to allow 11-digit dialing of local calls.
001274 United Telephone Company of the Northwest Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to implement additional support for the Lifeline Assistance and Link Up America programs for eligible participants living on federally recognized American Indian lands.
001273 Shuttle Express, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to add Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 3, to Tariff No. 6, reflecting an increase of $.75 for 'Door to Door' service and $.25 for 'Scheduled' service.
001264 Choctaw Communications, Inc. Petition Closed 09-11-2002 Telecommunications Rescinds requirement to provide bond sufficient to protect customer prepayments and advance payments or deposit customer prepayments and advance payments in escrow or trust account.
001261 Northwest Natural Gas Company Securities Closed 08-30-2000 Natural Gas Request for an order establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040, with respect to the proposed issuance and sale of not more than an additional $100,000,000 principal amount of Medium-Term Notes, Series B.
001260 Telera Communications, Inc. Petition Closed 09-13-2000 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
001257 Z-Tel Communications, Inc. Petition Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-540, Terminating Access Charges.
001254 New Access Communications, LLC Petition Closed 09-13-2000 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
001249 CenturyTel of Cowiche, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to implement expanded Lifeline and Link Up discounts for residents of Tribal Lands.
001248 CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to implement expanded Lifeline and Link Up discounts for residents of Tribal Lands (Tariff WN U-5).
001247 CenturyTel of Washington, Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to implement expanded Lifeline and Link Up discounts for residents of Tribal Lands (Tariff WN U-1).
001244 Northwest Natural Gas Company Securities Closed 08-30-2000 Natural Gas Request for an order establishing compliance with RCW 80.08.040, with respect to the proposed issuance and sale of up to an additional 200,000 shares of its Common Stock pursuant to the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.
001243 Zama Networks, Inc. Petition Closed 09-13-2000 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
001240 Verizon Northwest Inc. Tariff Revision Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request to introduce a Native American Lifeline Program which provides additional Lifeline and Link Up credit for qualifying low-income individuals living on American Indian and Alaska Native lands (tribal lands).
001239 ICG Telecom Group, Inc. Petition Closed 09-13-2000 Telecommunications Request for extension for use of number codes.
001238 Allegiance Telecom of Washington, Inc. Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition for waiver of WAC 480-120-540, Terminating Access Charges.
001237 BREMERTON-KITSAP AIRPORTER, INC. Petition Closed n/a Auto Transportation (Certificated Bus) Less than statutory notice request to add Special Fuel Surcharge Supplement No. 6, to Tariff No. 5, reflecting an increase in rates of $.25 per one-way and $.50 per round trip.
001235 Verizon Northwest Inc. Contract Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Less than statutory notice request for a twelve (12) month Amendment No. 2, for DS-1 service.
001222 Telicor, Inc. Petition Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
001216 Looking Glass Networks, Inc. Petition Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classfication, price list.
001215 Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition of Kent Police Department for waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service.
001214 Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition of Centralia Police Department for Waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service.
001213 The Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway Company Petition Closed 11-08-2000 Railroad WUTC vs. Sedro-Woolley and the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company, posts as 'EXEMPT', the crossing at Township Road, Sedro-Woolley, WA, WUTC Crossing No. 2C 22.00, DOT Crossing No. 085016G.
001209 SMITH, JOSEPH DEAN Petition Closed 12-13-2000 Motor Freight Carrier Motion for modification of temporary permit TCC011877.
001208 Evercom Systems, Inc. Petition Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Petition for classification as a competitive telecommunications company and approval of initial price list.
001200 HORLUCK TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, INC. Staff Investigation Closed n/a Commercial Ferries Investigation into scheduled foot ferry service/runs dropped due to disabled vessels and changed schedules and charter operations.
001197 Telergy Network Services, Inc. Petition Closed 08-30-2000 Telecommunications Petition for approval of registration, competitive classification, and price list.
001165 Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition of King County Sheriff's Office for a waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service.
001164 Petition Closed n/a Telecommunications Petition of Seattle Police Department for a waiver of WAC 480-120-138(5), relating to payphone service.