Document Type | Date | Description |
Letter | 06/09/1993 | Letter to all parties of record from Paul Curl regarding company's response to Bench Request No. 7.. |
Letter | 07/29/1992 | Letter granting request to extend suspension date, on behalf of UTC, from Paul Curl. |
Compliance | 07/08/1992 | Response to First Supplemental Order, on behalf of Puget Power & Light Company, from Corey A. Knutsen. |
Initial Filing | 02/20/1992 | Final Report - Rate Design Task Force. (scanned & posted) |
Order - Final | 08/17/1993 | Ninth Supplemental Order on Rate Design Issues. |
Exhibit | 05/12/1993 | Exhibits 26 through 80, and 83 through 89 admitted at hearing on May 10-12, 1993.
Notice | 03/09/1993 | Notification of Case Scheduling; Cross Staff/Intvr/PC Testimony 5/10-14/93, 9:30 am, Olympia, Rm 250. |
Notice | 03/09/1993 | Letter to all parties of record from Paul Curl rescheduling hearing dates. |
Consolidation Order | 11/25/1992 | Notice of Hearing (January 4, 1993), Complaint and order suspending tariff revisions; order instituting investigation; and order of consolidation. |
Response | 10/09/1992 | Bench Request 1 thru 5 on behalf of Puget Power in from Robert Kalina. |
Notice | 09/29/1992 | Notification of Case Scheduling Changes: Delete, Predist Staff 10-20-92; 12/1,2,3/92; 11-16-92; 12-4-92; 1-7-93; Special Note: A new schedule will be set later; End of suspension period 10-1-93, Delete 3-31-93. |
Letter | 09/28/1992 | Letter to all parties from Alice Haenle cancelling the remainder of the schedule listed in the prehearing conference order. |
Form | 09/24/1992 | Transcript order form in. (Commissioners presiding, Continental, Transcripts needed.) |
Form | 09/23/1992 | Transcript order form in. (Commissioners presiding, Continental, Transcript needed.) |
Exhibit | 09/23/1992 | Exhibits T-1 through 25 entered at hearing on 9/23-24/92.
Notice of Hearing | 09/02/1992 | Notice of Hearing (2) (September 23, 1992). |
Letter | 08/07/1992 | Letter on behalf of WICFUR in from Mark Trinchero RE: Depositions. |
Letter | 07/29/1992 | Letter on behalf of WUTC in from Donald Trotter RE: Deposing of Puget's witnesses. |
Order - Supplemental | 07/28/1992 | Second supplemental order granting intervention. |
Petition | 07/17/1992 | Petition of Building Owners & Managers Association for Leave to Intervene in from Arthur Butler. |
Letter | 06/25/1992 | Letter on behalf of WICFUR in from Mark Trinchero RE: Response to oral request. |
Order - Prehearing Conference | 06/23/1992 | First supplemental order on prehearing conference. |
Transcript | 06/19/1992 | Transcript Order Form in. (6-19-92, Commissioners presiding, Continental, Transcript needed.) |
Petition | 06/19/1992 | Petition for Intervention on behalf of Bellingham Cold Storage Co, Trident Seafoods, Versacold, Americold, National Frozed Foods, and Bellingham Frozen Foods in from Carol Arnold. |
Letter | 06/18/1992 | Withdrawal of Petition of the Bonneville Power Administration for Leave to Intervene in from Susan Millar. |
Notice | 06/17/1992 | Notification of Case Scheduling Changes: Company Cross, 250, 1:30 pm, 9/23,24,25/92, Delete 8/4,5,6,7/92; Predist Staff/Interv/PC 10-20; Staff/Intervenor/PC, 250, 9:30 am, 12/1,2,3/92, Delete 11-30; Public, tba, Delete 12-3-92; Predist Rebuttal 11-6-92; Rebuttal Cross, 250, 9 am, 12-4-92; Briefs due, 1-7-92; End of suspension perios, 3-31-93. |
Petition | 06/15/1992 | Petition of the Bonneville Power Administration for Leave to Intervene in from Susan Millar. |
Notice | 06/04/1992 | Notification of Case Scheduling Changes: Staff/Intervenor, Rm 250, 9:30 am, 11-30 12/1-2-3/92: Public, Rm 250, 1:30 pm, 12-3-92; Delete 12-2-92: Rebuttal Cross, Rm 250, 9:00 am, 12-4-92; Delete 12-3-92. |
Notice | 05/29/1992 | Notification of Case Scheduling: Pre-hearing, Rm 140, 9:30 am; 6-19-92; Company cross; Rm 250; 9:30 am; 8/4,5,6,7/92; Predist staff, PC, Intervenor, Sept 23; Staff/Intervenor, Rm 250, 9:30 am, 11-30 & 12-1; Public, 1:30 pm, 12-2-92; Presidt rebttal, 10-27-92; Rebuttal cross, Rm 250, 9 am, 12-3-92; Briefs due, 1-7-93; End of suspension period 3-31-93. |
Petition | 05/28/1992 | Petition to Intervene filed on behalf of WA Industrial Customers for Fair Utility Rates (WICFUR) in from Grant Tanner. (scanned & posted) |
Notice of Hearing | 05/28/1992 | Order suspending tariffs and instituting investigation and Notice of Hearing (June 19, 1992) (1). (scanned & posted)
Letter | 05/14/1992 | Letter on behalf of Puget Power in from David Hoff RE: Draft forms of Notice to Customers for staff's review and comment. (scanned & posted) |
Testimony | 04/30/1992 | Testimony and exhibits of C A Knutsen, C E Lynch, D W Hoff in from David Hoff. |