Docket Number | -940327 |
Advice | |
Company | Collins Transport Service, Inc., Collins, Kenneth R. |
DBA | |
Filing Type | Tariff Revision |
Industry (Code) | Motor Carrier - Intrastate (201) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Cathie Anderson |
Filed Date | 03/10/1994 |
Effective Date | 04/09/1994 |
Summary | New Item 5000 Tariff Filing No. 3. Filed under the provisions of WUTC Tariff 9, Item 5000, Note 3 & 4. Proposes a $8,000 per month monthly rate for the account of Hardwoods, Inc., for the transportation of plywood, particleboard, and moulding in the territory authorized by WUTC Tariff 9. |
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