Docket Number | -940540 |
Advice | |
DBA | |
Filing Type | Petition |
Industry (Code) | Motor Carrier - Intrastate (201) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Marshall Bline |
Filed Date | 04/25/1994 |
Effective Date | 05/14/1994 |
Summary | LSN request proposing publication prior to hearing of a rate in WUTC Tariff No. 4-A, Item 845, for the transportation of hogged fuel, in bulk, in Eastern Washington (for distances not to exceed 50 miles). Rate proposed is $50 per hour, with a two hour minimum charge, applying in 'live bottom' equipment only. Time to be computed from the time carrier leaves terminal or point of dispatch until the carrier returns to terminal or point of redispatch, whichever produces the lesser time. If approved, the rate would become effective May 14, 1994. |
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