Docket Number | TV-940559 |
Advice | |
Company | Pacific Inland Tariff Bureau |
DBA | |
Filing Type | Petition |
Industry (Code) | Motor Freight Carrier (200) |
Status | Closed |
Lead Staff | Layne Demas |
Filed Date | 04/27/1994 |
Effective Date | N/A |
Summary | Proposes a general rate increase in Commission-published Tariffs 5-A (applying on general freight transported in Western Washington, excluding shipments wholly within King, Pierce, Thurston, and Snohomish Counties); 6-A (applying on general freight transported in Eastern Washington and between Eastern Washington on the one hand and Western Washington on the other); and 16 (class rate, zip code based tariff applying statewide). Proposed increases are: charges-6.25 percent; AQ, LTL and rates subject to minimum weights of less than 20,000 lbs-2.50 percent; rates subject to units other than weight-2.50 percent. |
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