UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UE - 940932


Filter by document type: All | Letter | Notice | Order - Other
Document Type Date Description
Letter 10/19/1995 Steve McLellan letter to all interested persons RE: Vol. 3 written bound comments are available.
Letter 08/14/1995 Letter to all parties and interested persons from Sharon L. Nelson, Richard Hemstad and William R. Gillis informing of the status of the Notice of Inquiry and Policy Statement.
Letter 05/26/1995 Steve McLellan letters 1) Forwarding a complimentary copy of Round 2 comments to those who commented 2) Letter to IP's informing them that they can request a complimentary copy of Round 2 comments from the UTC.
Letter 03/17/1995 Letter to Commentors, RE: Attached full set of Comments and availability of second copy.