UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 950332


Filter by document type: All | Notice of Hearing | Order - Final | Report | Transcript
Document Type Date Description
Transcript 11/01/2000 Transcript Volume 2, October 19, 2000, pages 6-11. (Billing 11/14/00)
Order - Final 10/27/2000 Fourth Supplemental Order Approving Stipulation.
Notice of Hearing 09/17/1999 Ltr. to all parties, RE: Notice of Revised Prehearing Conference Schedule (October 11, 1999).
Transcript 07/26/1999 Volume 1; July 12, 1999; Pages 1-5. (Billing 11-2-99)
Report 07/15/1999 Railroad Crossing Closures for Otis Orchards Area.
Notice of Hearing 04/26/1999 Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Prehearing Conference (July 12, 1999).
Report 12/16/1997 Draft Report on Spokane County Rail Corridor Evaluation from Hoy A. Richards.