UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 960323


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 07/01/2004 Order Approving Negotiated Fifteenth Amended Agreement Adding Business Escalation Procedures
Letter 06/18/2004 Carole Washburn Letter to Michel Singer Nelson, MCI, RE: Interconnection Agreement Amendment with MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc.
Letter 06/18/2004 Carole Washburn Letter to Adam Sherr, Qwest Corporation, RE: Interconnection Agreement Amendment with Qwest Corporation
Amendment 05/03/2004 Request for approval of Fifteenth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation, f/k/a U S WEST Communications, Inc., and MCI WorldCom Communications, f/k/a MFS Intelenet, Inc., from Adam L. Sherr.
Order - Final 03/24/2004 Order Approving Negotiated Fourteenth Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for Qwest DSLtm (with discount) Provided With UNE-P
Amendment 02/27/2004 Request for approval of Fourteenth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Order - Final 09/24/2003 Order Approving Negotiated Thirteenth Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for Collocation Available Inventory, Unbundled Packet Switching, UNE-P Line Splitting and Loop Splitting
Replacement Page 09/08/2003 Signature page to Twelfth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber. (Scanned & Posted)
Amendment 08/08/2003 Request for Approval of Thirteenth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Order - Final 04/30/2003 Order Approving Negotiated Twelfth Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for Single Point of Presence
Amendment 04/04/2003 Request for Approval of Twelfth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Order - Final 03/26/2003 Order Approving Negotiated Tenth and Eleventh Amended Agreements Adding Provisions for Unbundled Dark Fiber, Line Sharing, and Change of Law Provisions
Exhibit 03/19/2003 Revised Exhibit A to Eleventh Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Amendment 03/12/2003 Request for Approval of Tenth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Amendment 03/12/2003 Request for Approval of Eleventh Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Order - Final 01/08/2003 Order Approving Negotiated Ninth Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for a Performance Assurance Plan
Amendment 12/10/2002 Request for Approval of Ninth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Order - Final 11/27/2002 Order Approving Negotiated Eighth Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for Basic Installation With Performance Testing and Basic Installation With Cooperation Testing
Order - Final 11/15/2002 Order Approving Negotiated Seventh Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for Relative use Factor
Amendment 11/01/2002 Request for Approval of Eighth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Amendment 10/17/2002 Request for Approval of Seventh Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Order - Final 10/09/2002 Order Approving Negotiated Sixth Amended Agreement Consisting of a Settlement Agreement
Replacement Page 09/06/2002 Replacement pages reflecting removal of confidential designation from documents filed on August 22, 2002 on behalf of Qwest from Adam L. Sherr.
Amendment 08/22/2002 Request for approval of Sixth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Adam L. Sherr. (Confidential portion not posted per Larry Berg) (See filing of September 6, 2002 for redisgnated document)
Amendment 08/22/2002 Request for approval of Seventh Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and MCI WorldCom Communications, Inc., from Adam L. Sherr.
Order - Final 07/11/2002 Order Approving Negotiated Fifth Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for Line Sharing and Assignment of Assets
Agreement 06/06/2002 Request of Qwest Corporation, f/k/a U S WEST Communications, Inc., and MCI WorldCom Communications, f/k/a MFS Intelenet for approval of a Fifth Amendment to the interconnection agreement.
Order - Final 11/29/2001 Order Approving Negotiated Fourth Amended Aggreement Amending Certain Reciprocal Compensation Terms and Adding Provisions for LIS Trunk Forecasts.
Agreement 09/17/2001 Request for Approval of (Fourth) Amendment to interconnection agreement between Qwest and MCI WorldCom from Adam Sherr.
Order - Final 03/28/2001 Order Approving Negotiated Third Amended Agreement for Interconnection and Resale of Services
Replacement Page 03/27/2001 Replacement Page to Amendment No. 1 Interconnection Agreement on behalf of Qwest from Elizabeth Weber.
Amendment 02/22/2001 Request for Approval of Third Amendment (Local Number Portability Managed Cuts Amendment) to the Interconnection Agreement between Qwest and MFS Intelenet from Lisa Anderl.
Order - Other 03/13/2000 Order Approving Negotiated Second Amended Agreement for Interconnection and Resale Services.
Amendment 12/13/1999 Negotiated Second Amendment to the Wireline Interconnection Agreement between U S WEST and MCI WorldCom Communications fka MFS Intelenet from Kristine Macneal.
Order - Other 07/28/1999 Negotiated First Amendment to Fully Negotiated Agreement for Service Resale and Interconnection.
Amendment 07/12/1999 First Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between MCI WorldCom fka MFS Intelenet and U S WEST from Lisa Daugherty.
Order - Final 09/11/1998 Commission Decision and Final Order Modifying Initial Order, in Part, and Affirming, in Part.
Testimony 04/15/1998 Rebuttal Testimony of Mark Reynolds on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Testimony 04/15/1998 Rebuttal testimony of Herbert Pozdro on behalf of WorldCom Technologies (MFS Intelenet) from Antony Richard Petrilla. (Disk provided & posted)
Transcript 03/16/1998 Volume 3; 3/12/98; pages 254-266. (Billing 4/15/98)
Testimony 03/12/1998 Testimony of Herbert Pozdro on behalf of WorldCom from Antony Richard Petrialla. (Disk provided & posted)
Testimony 03/12/1998 Direct Testimony of Mark Reynolds and Dick Gosselin on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted - non-confidential portion)
Testimony 03/12/1998 Direct Testimony of Frank Croan on behalf of TCG Seattle from Gregory Kopta.
Testimony 03/11/1998 Direct Testimony of Thomas Spinks on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG. (Disk provided & posted)
Response 01/29/1998 Response to Petitions for Administrative Review on behalf of TCG Seattle, NEXTLINK, and ELI from Gregory Kopta. (Disk provided & posted)
Response 01/29/1998 Answer to Petitions for Administrative Review on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Petition 01/14/1998 Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk provided & posted)
Petition 01/14/1998 Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of TCG Seattle, NEXTLINK, and Electric Lightwave from Gregory Kopta. (Disk provided & posted)
Order - Initial 12/23/1997 Initial Order on U S WEST Request for Exception from Duty to Provide Physical Collocation.
Notice 08/18/1997 Notice of lawsuit and request for waiver of service of summon from Sherilyn Peterson and Kirstin S. Dodge on behalf of U S WEST Communications, Inc.
Agreement 08/18/1997 Petition for Judicial Review - Amended Complaint on behalf of U S WEST from Sherilyn Peterson.
Order - Final 01/08/1997 Order Approving Negotiated and Arbitrated Interconnection Agreement.
Memorandum 12/09/1996 Memorandum Requesting Approval of Arbitrated Interconnection Agreement and Proposed Order on behalf of MFS from Douglas Bonner. (FAX) (Hardcopy rec'd 12-10-96)
Agreement 12/09/1996 Arbitrated agreement between U S WEST and MFS, U S WEST request for approval of that agreement, and a proposed order on behalf of U S WEST from Lisa Anderl. (Disk containing Request for Approval enclosed & posted)
Order - Other 11/08/1996 Arbitrator's Report and Decision.
Agreement 10/02/1996 Interconnection agreement between US WEST and MFS from Lisa A. Anderl.
Transcript 09/20/1996 Transcript Volume 1 (September 5, 1996)
Petition 06/24/1996 Petition for arbitration on behalf of MFS Communications from Douglas Bonner.