UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 960359


Filter by document type: All | Amendment | Order - Final | Order - Supplemental
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 07/09/2003 Order Approving Negotiated Fifth Amended Agreement Adding Provisions for Unbundled Dark Fiber
Amendment 06/11/2003 Request for Approval of Third Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and Rainier Connect, Inc., from Elizabeth M. Weber.
Order - Supplemental 12/23/1998 Fourth Supplemental Order Approving Amendment to Interconnection Agreement.
Order - Supplemental 10/28/1998 Third Supplemental Order Approving Amendment to Interconnection Agreement.
Order - Supplemental 09/23/1998 Second Supplemental Order Approving Ancillary Agreement.
Order - Supplemental 08/27/1997 First Supplemental Order Approving Operator Services Agreement.
Order - Final 06/25/1997 Order Approving Fully Negotiated Interconnection Agreement.