UTC Case Docket Details

Docket Number 960696

Case Docket Details Table
Docket Number UE-960696
Company Puget Sound Power & Light Company
Filing Type Tariff Revision
Industry (Code) Electric (140)
Status Closed
Lead Staff Hank McIntosh
Filed Date 05/24/1996
Effective Date 11/01/1996
Summary Proposed new Schedule 48, Optional Large Power Sales Rate.

Event History

  • 11/10/1996 -- End of Pending - Reconsideration
  • 10/09/1996 -- Approved (Approved with the following conditions: (1) No cost shifting - The revenue difference between Schedule 48 rates and the effective tariff rates that would otherwise be applicable to current Schedules 31, 46, 49, or special contract customers (i.e., lost revenues), shall not be shifted to other customer classes and shall be borne by shareholders until a future Commission determination regarding allocation of costs and cost savings, and then on a prospective basis only. (2) Commission Reporting - The Company shall provide Commission Staff and Public Counsel with monthly reports tracking the revenues from Schedule 48, including revenues from specific rate elements. The monthly reports shall also track the revenue differential between Schedule 48 rates and rates charged Customers currently takng service under Schedules 31, 46, and 49. (3) Open access pilot - Puget Power shall file a retail open access pilot tariff schedule with the commission by June 1, 1997, with a requested effective date of September 1, 1997. The pilot may vary in scale, but should, at a minimum: involve all customer classes; provide useful information to the Company and the Commission on customer choice. Puget Power Shall endeavor to provide cost-based delivery service rates as a part of its filing. One year following the implementation date of the June 1, 1997 filing, Puget will submit a report to the Commission. In that report, Puget shall evaluate the results of the open access filing and include a plan addressing open access for all customers. (4) Rate methodology - The Company, Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU), Public Counsel, and Staff each agree that the methodology used for developing Schedule 48 rates establishes no precedent with regard to cost of service and/or rate design in an unbundled retail electric service or open access regulatory environment. (5) Review of Schedule 48 - Within 60 days after receipt of notice from the Commission, but no later than January 1, 2001, Puget Power shall refile Schedule 48 with the Commission along with updated supporting data, including such information set forth in any such Commission notice. The Commission may approve the terms of or revisions to Schedule 48 or may, after hearing, issue an order terminating or revising Schedule 48. In any such proceeding, Puget Power has committed to bearing the burden of proof. (6) Non-Core Service - Schedule 48 establishes a new class of non-core service for Puget Power and eligible customers. The creation of the non-core class affects long-term planning and resource acquisition decisions for the Company. Therefore, the Company's planning and resource acquisition decisions would have a status commensurate with any rate schedule applicable to the non-core class. (7) Potential stranded costs - Schedule 48 does not resolve any issues related to recovery of potentially stranded costs in a retail open access environment.)
  • 09/25/1996 -- Deferred
  • 07/10/1996 -- Deferred