UTC Case Docket Orders

Filing UE - 981410

Date File Link Document Type Description File Size
08/03/1999 Ord-fin2.pdf Order - Final Fifth Supplemental Order Granting Complaint, Ordering Refunds and Other Relief. 189,500 KB
08/03/1999 Ord-fin2.wpd Order - Final Fifth Supplemental Order Granting Complaint, Ordering Refunds and Other Relief. 3,986,047 KB
05/07/1999 Ord-disc.wpd Order - Supplemental Fourth Supplemental Order; Order Granting Motion to Compel, Subject to Conditions. 59,049 KB
01/19/1999 981410 2nd supp.pdf Order - Supplemental Second Supplemental Order; Order Denying Motion for Summary Determination. 16,722 KB
01/19/1999 981410 second supp.rtf Order - Supplemental Second Supplemental Order; Order Denying Motion for Summary Determination. 22,793 KB
01/14/1999 UE-981410 Prehearing Conference Order 1-14-99.pdf Order - Prehearing Conference Prehearing Conference Order. (scanned & posted) 2,292,914 KB