UTC Case Docket Orders

Filing UE - 990267

Date File Link Document Type Description File Size
11/19/1999 Ylorecon.wpd Order - Supplemental Fourth Supplemental Order Granting Reconsideration of the Third Supplemental Order. 37,337 KB
11/19/1999 Colstrip.pdf Order - Supplemental Fourth Supplemental Order Granting Reconsideration of the Third Supplemental Order. 35,399 KB
09/30/1999 2supord.wpd Order - Supplemental Second Supplemental Order RE: Exempt Wholesale Generator Determination. 23,407 KB
09/30/1999 2ndsupp.pdf Order - Supplemental Second Supplemental Order RE: Exempt Wholesale Generator Determination. 19,558 KB
09/30/1999 UE-990267 Third Supplemental Order.pdf Order - Final Third Supplemental Order Approving Sale; Ordering Deferral of Gain and Deferral of Power-Cost Changes. 66,105 KB
09/30/1999 UE-990267 Third Supplemental Order.doc Order - Final Third Supplemental Order Approving Sale; Ordering Deferral of Gain and Deferral of Power-Cost Changes. 208,384 KB
06/04/1999 990267pc.wpd Order - Prehearing Conference Prehearing Conference Order. 12,179 KB
04/19/1999 990267po.wpd Order - Protective Protective Order. 22,730 KB