Date | File Link | Document Type | Description | File Size |
03/10/2000 | UT-990390 Final Order.wpd | Order - Final | Commission Order Adopting Arbitrator's Report, In Part; Modifying Report, In Part; and Approving Negotiated and Arbitrated Interconnection Agreement. | 133,936 KB |
03/10/2000 | 390FinalOrder.pdf | Order - Final | Commission Order Adopting Arbitrator's Report, In Part; Modifying Report, In Part; and Approving Negotiated and Arbitrated Interconnection Agreement. | 107,834 KB |
12/29/1999 | 390arb.pdf | Order - Other | Arbitrator's Report and Decision. | 72,269 KB |
12/29/1999 | 990390ar.wpd | Order - Other | Arbitrator's Report and Decision. | 68,172 KB |
09/14/1999 | Text document0.txt | Order - Protective | First Supplemental Order; Protective Order. | 15,356 KB |
09/14/1999 | Text document0.txt | Order - Other | Order on Arbitration Procedure and Appointing Arbitrator. | 9,510 KB |
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