UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 000866


Filter by document type: All | Letter | Order - Final
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 01/25/2006 Order No. 01 Order Rescinding Waiver of WAC 480-93-010.
Letter 10/03/2005 Letter to Alan Rathbun from Michael J. Flaulkenberry on behalf of Avista, RE: Request to Rescind Waivers for PE Bridge Crossings in Washington.
Letter 08/21/2002 Letter to Michael Faulkenberry from Doug Kilpatrick, RE: Polyethylene (PE) bridge crossing concerns.
Letter 06/01/2000 Letter to Scott Rukke from Jenny Gruenenfelder from Avista Corp., regarding Construction print for the Rock Creek above ground PE waiver.