UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TC - 001566


Document Type Date Description
Exhibit 09/11/2002 Exhibit List.
Order - Other 03/29/2002 Order Denying Reconsideration
Notice 02/26/2002 Notice of Opportunity to File Answer (Monday, March 11, 2002).
Order - Final 02/15/2002 Commission Decision and Order Reversing Initial Order; Denying Application.
Petition 10/04/2001 Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of Shuttle Express and Evergreen Trails, Inc., dba Gray Line of Seattle from David Rice. (Posted)
Order - Initial 09/14/2001 Initial Order Granting Application
Brief 06/11/2001 Post-Hearing Brief on behalf of Shuttle Express, Inc., and Evergreen Trails, Inc., d/b/a Gray Line of Seattle from David Rice. (Disk provided & posted)
Transcript 05/18/2001 Transcript; Volume 3;5/3/01; pages 70-325. (Billing 6-1-01)
Transcript 05/02/2001 Transcript; Volume 2; 4/30/01; pages 18-69. (Billing 5-9-01)
Letter 05/02/2001 Letter to Marjorie Schaer from Sally Johnston on behalf of staff, RE: Notification of withdrawal as attorney of record for Commission staff.
Notice 04/09/2001 Notice of Recusal.
Transcript 03/27/2001 Transcript; Volume 1; 3/13/01; pages 1-17. (Billing 4/17/01)