UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 001590


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Document Type Date Description
Letter 09/28/2009 Letter to Parties from Gregory J. Trautman on behalf of Staff, RE: Order Granting Joint Motion to Close Docket. (via e-mail)
Letter 07/02/2009 Letter to Mark Reynolds, Simon ffitch and David Danner from Jim Albert on behalf of Department of Information Services, RE: Qwest Escrow Account is being closed out. (scanned & posted)
Letter 01/15/2009 David Danner letter to Leland Hansen, RE: Qwest Escrow Accounts authorized representative. (scanned & posted)
Letter 05/29/2008 Letter to U.S. Bank Trust National Association from Carole Washburn, Simon ffitch and Mark Reynolds, RE: Request for Escrow Payment. (scanned & posted)
Letter 09/26/2005 Letter to U.S. Bank Trust National Association from Paul Curl, Simon ffitch and Mark Reynolds, RE: Request for Escrow Payment. (scanned & posted)
Letter 09/26/2005 Letter to Mark Reynolds from Gary Robinson on behalf of Department of Information Services. (scanned & posted)
Letter 11/05/2001 Letter to Theresa Jensen from Simon ffitch, RE: Infrastructure Investment Report Requirement. (scanned & posted)