UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 010684


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 05/20/2014 Finding of Fact Conclusions of Law Decision and Order in Lincoln Cy. Superior Court No. 03-2-00009-5
Letter 03/05/2003 Carole Washburn letter to Clerk of the Superior Court of Lincoln County, RE: Transmittal of court record; Carole Washburn letter to Cynthia E. McMullen, RE: Notification of filing of court record; certificate; and index.
Notice 01/16/2003 Notice re Fax Filing
Order - Final 01/10/2003 Fourth Supplemental Order - Final Order Reversing Initial Order; Granting Petition to Close "D" Street Crossing, On Condition
Exhibit 11/05/2002 Exhibit List
Order - Initial 10/21/2002 Third Supplemental Order - Initial Order Denying Petition.
Letter 10/15/2002 Letter to Judge Mace from Jonathan Thompson, AAG on behalf of staff, RE: Public comments.
Letter 10/10/2002 Letter to Mr. J. M. Cowles from Theodora M. Mace, re: Letter of September 30 is ex parte communication and will be disregarded in writing the initial decision.
Transcript 10/03/2002 Transcript; Volume 5; September 19, 2002; Pages 302 - 413(Billing 10/16/02)
Transcript 10/02/2002 Transcript; Volume 4; September 18, 2002; Pages 281 - 301(Billing 10/16/02)
Transcript 10/02/2002 Transcript; Volume 3; September 18, 2002; Pages 35 - 280 (Billing 10/16/02)
Document 10/02/2002 Petition in Opposition to Closure of Grade Crossing from Mary C. Ruud.
Transcript 09/30/2002 Transcript; Volume 2; September 16, 2002; Pages 13 - 34 (Billing 10/16/02)
Notice of Hearing 08/30/2002 Notice of Public Comment Hearing (September 18, 2002).
Notice 06/13/2002 Notice of Modification of Procedural Schedule (served on 6/13/02)
Notice of Hearing 05/15/2002 Notice of Modification on Procedural Schedule.
Notice of Hearing 05/15/2002 Notice of Change in Date of Public Comment Hearing (July 17, 2002).
Notice of Hearing 04/30/2002 Second Supplemental Order; Prehearing Conference Order.
Notice of Hearing 04/30/2002 Notice of Public Comment Hearing (May 29, 2002).
Transcript 04/09/2002 Transcript; Volume 1; March 26, 2002; pages 1-12. (Billing 4-25-02)
Notice of Hearing 03/13/2002 Notice of Prehearing Conference (March 26, 2002)