UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 011439


Document Type Date Description
Exhibit 08/27/2003 Exhibit List - documenting exhibit numbers up to 821.
Order - Final 04/23/2003 Twelfth Supplemental Order - Order Granting Verizon Petition for Waiver of WAC 480-120-71(2)(a) and Dismissing Qwest and RCC as Parties to the Proceeding.
Response 04/10/2003 Answer in Opposition to Motion to Strike Testimony on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman,AAG.
Brief 04/03/2003 Reply Brief on behalf of RCC Minnesota, Inc., from Brooks E. Harlow.
Brief 04/03/2003 Motion to Strike Portions of Staff's Response Brief and Reply Brief on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Douglas N. Owens.
Brief 03/28/2003 Reply Brief on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Judith A. Endejan.
Brief 03/27/2003 Responsive Post Hearing Brief on behalf of RCC Minnesota, Inc., from Brooks Harlow.
Brief 03/27/2003 Response Brief on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Douglas N. Owens.
Brief 03/27/2003 Non-Confidential Response Brief on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG
Brief 03/06/2003 Table of Contents to Opening Brief on behalf of staff from Sally Johnston, AAG.
Brief 03/06/2003 Opening Post Hearing Brief on behalf of RCC Minnesota from Brooks Harlow.
Brief 03/06/2003 Opening Post Hearing Brief of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Judith A. Endejan.
Brief 03/06/2003 Opening Brief on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Douglas N. Owens.
Brief 03/06/2003 Opening Brief of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Notice 02/28/2003 Notice of Admission of Exhibits.
Notice 02/20/2003 Notice of Opportunity to Respond (February 25, 2003)
Motion 02/19/2003 Request to Add Qwest's Late-Filed Supplemental Responses to Data Requests As Exhibits to the Record on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG
Transcript 02/07/2003 Transcript; Volume 7; Juanuary 24, 2003; Pages 430 - 724 (Billing 3/5/03)
Transcript 02/06/2003 Transcript; Volume 6; January 23, 2003; Pages 210 - 429 (Billing 3/5/03)
Transcript 02/05/2003 Transcript; Volume 5; January 22, 2003; Pages 106 - 209 (Billing 2/13/03)
Transcript 01/31/2003 Transcript; Volume 4; January 17, 2003; Pages 65 - 705 (Billing 2/13/03)
Response 01/16/2003 Response to Motion of Commission Staff to Compel Verizon and Qwest to Respond to Data Requests on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Judith A. Endejan.
Notice of Hearing 01/16/2003 Notice of Hearing on Motion to Compel (January 17, 2003)
Document 01/15/2003 Opposition to Staff's Motion to Compel Responses on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Douglas N. Owens. (Fax) (Hardcopy rec'd: 1/16/03)
Notice 01/13/2003 Notice of Opportunity to Respond (January 15, 2003)
Testimony 01/10/2003 Response Testimony of Thomas L. Spinks on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Motion 01/10/2003 Motion to Compel Responses to Data Requests on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Testimony 01/07/2003 Reply Testimony of Beth Kohler on behalf of RCC Minnesota, Inc., from David L. Rice.
Testimony 12/27/2002 Reply Testimony of Robert B. Shirley on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Order - Supplemental 12/17/2002 Tenth Supplemental Order: Order Denying Commission Staff's Petition for Administrative Review of Order Striking Staff Testimony.
Order - Supplemental 12/16/2002 Eleventh Supplemental Order; Order Granting Motion for Leave to Respond to New Matter in Staff's Rebuttal
Letter 12/16/2002 Letter to Carole Washburn from Douglas N. Owens on behalf of Qwest Corporation, RE: Clarification of Qwest's Motion for Leave to Respond to New Matters in Staff's Rebuttal. (Fax)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/18/02)
Motion 12/13/2002 Motion for Leave to Respond to New Matter in Staff's Rebuttal on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Douglas N. Owens. (Via e-mail)
Letter 12/13/2002 Letter to Carole Washburn from Gregory Trautman, AAG on behalf of staff, RE: Qwest Motion to Respond to Staff's September 20, 2002 Testimony.
Notice 12/06/2002 Notice of Schedule Change.
Response 11/22/2002 Response to Petition for Administrative Review of Order Granting Motion to Strike Reply Testimony of Robert B. Shirley and Declaration of Joan Gage in Support of Petition for Administrative Review of Order on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Nancy E. Dickerson.
Testimony 11/20/2002 Direct Testimony of Beth Kohler and David Huskey on behalf of RCC Minnesota, Inc., from David L. Rice.
Notice 11/13/2002 Notice of Opportunity to Respond (November 22, 2002)
Petition 11/12/2002 Petition for Admistrative Review of Order Granting Motion to Strike Reply Testimony of Robert B. Shirley on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman,AAG.
Notice 11/07/2002 Notice Clarifying Staff Filing Date (December 27, 2002)
Order - Supplemental 11/01/2002 Ninth Supplemental Order; Order Granting Motion to Strike Reply Testimony of Robert B. Shirley.
Notice 11/01/2002 Notice of Extension of Filing Dates (November 20, 2002 and December 27, 2002)
Response 10/23/2002 Answer to Verizon's Motion to Strike Testimony of Robert B. Shirley on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Order - Supplemental 10/07/2002 Eighth Supplemental Order - Order Granting Motion for Permission to File Supplemental Testimony.
Motion 10/03/2002 Motion to Strike Reply Testimony of Robert B. Shirley Dated September 20, 2002 and Response to Motion for Permission to File Supplemental Testimony of Robert B. Shirley and Declaration of Kay Taylor on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Nancy E. Dickerson. (Fax) (Hardcopy rec'd: 10/4/02)
Testimony 09/27/2002 Exhibit to Reply Testimony of Thomas L. Spinks and Exhibit to Reply Testimony of Robert T. Williamson (Qualifications and Experience) on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Testimony 09/20/2002 Reply Testimony of Tom Spinks on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Testimony 09/20/2002 Reply Testimony of Robert Williamson on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Testimony 09/20/2002 Reply Testimony of Robert B. Shirley on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Motion 09/13/2002 Motion for Permission to File Supplemental Testimony of Robert Shirley and Declaration of Kay Taylor; Supplemental Testimony of Robert Shirley on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Order - Supplemental 08/23/2002 Seventh Supplemental Order- Order Granting Motion for Extension of Completion Date
Response 08/22/2002 Response to Verizon's Request for Extension of the 18 Month Construction Period on behalf of Ike Nelson.
Response 08/14/2002 Response to Verizon Suspension Request on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Notice 08/06/2002 Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Verizon's Request to Suspend 18-Month Line Extension Requirement
Transcript 07/31/2002 Transcript; Volume 3; July 17, 2002; Pages 56 - 64 (Billing 8-14-02)
Order - Supplemental 07/19/2002 Sixth Supplemental Order - Prehearing Conference Order Establishing Schedule of Proceedings.
Response 07/10/2002 Reply to Staff's and RCC Minnesota, Inc.'s Responses in Opposition to Motion to Join RCC Minnesota, Inc. as a Party on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Douglas N. Owens.
Notice of Hearing 07/10/2002 Fifth Supplemental Order - Order Granting Motion to Join RCC Minnesota, Inc. as a Party; Vacating Schedule of Proceedings - Notice of Prehearing Conference (July 17, 2002).
Response 07/09/2002 Response to Commission Staff's Motion to Compel Responses by Verizon and Declaration of Joan Gage on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Judith A. Endejan. (Fax) (Hardcopy rec'd: 7-10-02)
Testimony 07/05/2002 Reply Testimony and Exhibit of Carl R. Danner on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Allan T. Thoms. (Fax) (Hardcopy rec'd: 7-8-02)
Testimony 07/05/2002 Direct and Response Testimony of Theresa A. Jensen and Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Robert J. Hubbard on behalf of Qwest from Douglas N. Owens.
Response 07/03/2002 Response in Opposition to Qwest's Motion to Join RCC Minnesota, Inc. as a Party on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Motion 07/03/2002 Redacted Motion to Compel Responses by Verizon on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Response 07/02/2002 Response to Qwest's Motion to Join RCC as a Party on behalf of RCC Minnesota, Inc., from Elizabeth Kohler. (Fax)(Hardcopy rec'd 7/5/02)
Transcript 07/01/2002 Transcript; Volume 2; June 17, 2002; Pages 30 - 55 (Billing 7-22-02)
Notice 06/27/2002 Notice of Filing Date for Response to Qwest Motion to Join RCC Minnesota
Document 06/24/2002 Support of Qwest Corporation's Motion to Join RCC Minnesota, Inc., as a Party on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc. from Nancy E. Dickerson.
Testimony 06/20/2002 Testimony of Robert B. Shirley on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Order - Prehearing Conference 06/19/2002 Fourth Supplemental Order - Prehearing Conference Order. (6/19/02)
Notice of Hearing 06/07/2002 Notice of Change of Schedule. (Served 6/7/02)
Response 06/07/2002 Answer in Opposition to Qwest's Motion to Compel Responses by Staff on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG.
Order - Supplemental 05/31/2002 Third Supplemental Order; Order Granting Motion to Join Qwest as a Party Respondent; Order Establishing Procedures and Schedule for Hearing (served on 5/31/02)
Response 05/17/2002 Response to Verizon Northwest's Motion that Commissioners Preside at Hearing on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG
Testimony 05/15/2002 Reply Testimony of Kay Ruosch and Carl R. Danner on behalf of Verizon from Kim Russell. (Disk provided)
Response 03/13/2002 Reply to Qwest's Answer to Motion for Joinder and Alternative Objection to Procedural Schedule on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG. (posted)
Testimony 03/06/2002 Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Kay Ruosch and Carl Danner on behalf of Verizon Northwest from Allan Thoms. (posted)
Notice 02/28/2002 Notice Correcting Time to Reply to Answer (March 13, 2002).
Notice 02/26/2002 Notice of Time to Reply to Answer (March 19, 2002).
Notice 02/15/2002 Notice of Time to Answer Motion (February 22, 2002).
Order - Prehearing Conference 02/13/2002 Second Supplemental Order - Prehearing Conference Order.
Transcript 02/05/2002 Transcript; Volume 1, 1/ 22/02); pages 1 - 29. (Billing 2-21-02)
Motion 02/01/2002 Motion to Join Qwest as a Party Respondent on behalf of staff from Gregory Trautman, AAG. (Posted)
Order - Protective 01/24/2002 First Supplemental Order - Protective Order.
Notice of Hearing 01/10/2002 Notice of Prehearing Conference (January 22, 2002).
Open Meeting Memo 01/09/2002 Open Meeting Memo from the 1/9/02 meeting.
Initial Filing 10/24/2001 Initial Filing on behalf of Verizon Northwest, Inc., from Nancy E. Dickerson