Company: ACOMM, Inc., ActiveTel L.D., Inc., Advanced Business Network Services, Inc., Advanced Communications Systems, Inc, Advanced Communications Technologies, Affinity Fund, Inc., America Calling, Inc., American Network, Inc., AmericanWats, Inc., Amtel Communications, Inc., Blacbell USA, Inc., Blackstone Communications Company, Business Telephone Network, Inc., C SYSTEMS, INC., Cam-Net, Inc., CCCWA, Inc., Centel of Washington, Inc., Century Systems, Inc., Citizens Telecommunications Company of Idaho, Clariti Telecom, Inc., CONNECT!LD, Inc., Convergent Communications Services, Inc., Cybertel, Communications Corp., Delta Communications, Dial U.S., Inc., Enkido, Inc., Enron Broadband Services, Inc., Enron Telecommunications, Inc., EqualNet Corporation, erbia Network, Inc., eVulkan, Inc., Federal TransTel, Inc., Frontier Communications-North Central Region, Inc., HighSpeed.Com of Washington, L.L.C., ICON Communications Corporation, Ideal Z-Tel, Inc., IG2, Inc., Integrated TeleServices, Inc., Intelcom, Inc., Intercontinental Communications Group, Inc., JATO Operating Corp., Liberty Bell Telephone Company, Inc., LinQ Telecom, Inc., MetStream Communications, Inc., MNW Communications, Morrison-Knudsen Technologies, Inc., National Gateway Telecom, Inc., NeTel, Inc., Newvector Retail Service, Inc., Northwest Telecommunications Company, Inc., Northwestern Digital Company, NTERA, INC., ONRAMP TELECOM, LLC, Pacific Northwest Telecommunications, Inc., Phase 2 Telesystems, Inc., Positive Telecom, Inc., Sigma Networks Telecommunications, Inc., STAR Telecommunications, Inc., Starcom, Inc., Starnet Corporation, STS Communications, Incorporated, Supreme Telecom Systems, Inc., TalkNow, Inc., Telcomco, TeleHub Network Services Corporation, Telenational Communications Limited Partnership, Telesphere Network, Inc., Telis Communications Group, Inc., The Free Network, L.L.C., United Services Telephone, LLC, URJET Backbone Network, Inc., USBG, INC., Western Union Corporation, XTC Corporation, Zama Networks, Inc., Zephion Networks Communications, Inc., Telecommunication Resource Management, Inc., Universal Communications, Inc., Paramount International Telecommunications, Inc., Multa Communications Corp., U.S. Operators, Inc.
DBA: NETLINK, INC., Connect!, beMANY!, Fusion Telecom, also, Fusion - Trucker Phone, Sound Communication West, Unicom, Multacom
Filing Type: Special Project
Case Status: Closed
Dates (Opened & Effective): 12/05/2002 & 01/09/2025
Summary: Revocation of telecommunications registrations for failure to file annual reports and pay regulatory fees for 2001.