UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TC - 030489


Document Type Date Description
Compliance 12/11/2003 Substitute vehicle list page 16 and Commission Agreement on behalf of SeaTac Shuttle from John Solin.
Replacement Page 12/04/2003 Replacement Page on behalf of SeaTac Shuttle, LLC, d/b/a Whidbey-SeaTac Shuttle from John J. Solin. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted) (Hardcopy rec'd: 12/5/03)
Compliance 12/03/2003 Revised Initial Tariff No. 1 on behalf of SeaTac Shuttle, LLC, d/b/a Whidbey-SeaTac Shuttle, from John J. Solin. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted)
Letter 12/01/2003 Carole Washburn letter to Mr. Gordon Bainbridge, Re: Electronic inquiry about SeaTac Shuttle application to provide airporter service.
Order - Final 11/26/2003 Order No. 03 - Final Order on Administrative Review; Granting Motion to Strike; Denying Motion to Respond; Affirming and Adopting Initial Order; Granting Application.
Comment 11/25/2003 Comments from Gordon Bainbridge. (via e-mail)
Response 10/28/2003 Answer to Wickkiser's Motion to File Reply and Motion to Strike on behalf of Commission Staff from Shannon E. Smith.
Response 10/27/2003 Response to Motion of Wickkiser International Companies, Inc., to File a Reply Responding to Events Outside the Record and Response to Wickkiser International Companies Motion to Strike Applicant's Citations of Events Outside the Record on behalf of SeaTach Shuttle, LLC dba SeaTac Shuttle from John Solin.
Notice 10/21/2003 Notice of Opportunity to File Answer (By Tuesday, October 28, 2003).
Notice 10/21/2003 Notice of Opportunity to File Answer (By Tuesday, October 28, 2003).
Motion 10/20/2003 Motion to File A Reply Responding to Events Outside the Record Raised by the Applicant's Answer and Motion to Strike Applicant's Citations of Events Outside the Record on behalf of Wickkiser International Companies, Inc., from David L. Rice.
Response 10/08/2003 Answer to Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of staff from Shannon Smith, AAG.
Notice 10/06/2003 Notice of Substitution of Counsel for Commission Staff from Shannon E. Smith.
Petition 09/29/2003 Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of Wickkiser International Companies, Inc., from David L. Rice. (Scanned & Posted)
Exhibit 09/12/2003 Exhibit List - documenting joint exhibit and exhibit nos 1-12, 20-26.
Order - Initial 09/08/2003 Order No. 02 - Initial Order Approving and Adopting Stipulation and Granting Application
Transcript 07/18/2003 Transcript; Volume 3; July 2, 2003; Pages 273 - 478 (Billing 7/29/03)
Transcript 07/09/2003 Transcript; Volume 2; June 24, 2003; Pages 29 - 272 (Billing 7/16/03)
Stipulation 06/30/2003 Stipulation of Shuttle Express, Inc., and SeaTac Shuttle, LLC from David L. Rice.
Transcript 06/26/2003 Transcript; Volume 1; June 12, 2003; Pages 1 - 28 (Billing 7-9-03)
Notice 06/26/2003 Notice of Date and Time for Completion of Evidentiary Hearing (Wednesday, July 2, 2003, 10:00 a.m.)
Order - Prehearing Conference 06/18/2003 Order No. 01 - Prehearing Conference Order
Notice of Hearing 05/23/2003 Notice of Prehearing Conference (June 12, 2003, at 9:30 a.m.) and Notice of Hearing (June 24, 2003, at 10:00 a.m.)
Notice 05/22/2003 Notice of Appearance of Mary Tennyson on behalf of staff.
Protest 05/06/2003 Protest and Request for Adjudicative Proceeding and Hearing on behalf of Shuttle Express, Inc., from David L. Rice (scanned & posted).
Protest 04/28/2003 Protest and Request for Adjudicative Proceeding and Hearing on behalf of Wickkiser International Companies, Inc., from David L. Rice (scanned & posted).
Notice 04/14/2003 Docket of 04/14/03 mailed and filed.