UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 040535


Document Type Date Description
Email 02/02/2005 E-mail to Chairwoman Showalter, Commissioner Hemstad and Commissioner Oshie from Jeff Glick, RE: Comments.
Order - Final 01/28/2005 Order No. 03 - Final Order Affirming In Part, Modifying In Part, Initial Order Granting In Part, Verizon Motion For Summary Determination
Response 11/03/2004 Answer to Complainants Motion for Order Disallowing Response to Petition for Administrative Reivew on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Timothy J. O'Connell. (Scanned & Posted)
Letter 10/25/2004 Carole Washburn letter to Mr. Jeffrey Glick, Re: Motion to disallow Verizon's response will be considered and answers to the Motion will be received if filed by November 5, 2004.
Motion 10/21/2004 Motion for Order Disallowing Response to Petition for Administrative Review from Jeffrey D. Glick.
Response 10/14/2004 Answer to Complainant's Petition for Administrative Review and Notice of Appearance on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from John H. Ridge. (Scanned & Posted)
Notice 10/04/2004 Notice of Extension of Time to File Answer to Petition For Administrative Review (By Thursday, October 14, 2004).
Letter 10/04/2004 Letter to Ann E. Rendahl, ALJ from John H. Ridge on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., RE: Request for one-week extension of time to answer Complainants Petition for Administrative Review. (Scanned & Posted)
Petition 09/27/2004 Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of Jeff Glick from Jeff Glick. (Scanned & Posted)
Notice 08/20/2004 Notice of Extension of Time to File Petition for Administrative Review (Due Monday, September 27, 2004)
Letter 08/17/2004 Letter to Ann Rendahl, ALJ, from Jeff Glick, RE: Request for Additional Time to File Petition for Administrative Review. (via e-mail)
Order - Initial 08/06/2004 Order No. 02 - Initial Order Granting, In Part, Verizon's Motion for Summary Determination; Canceling Procedural Schedule
Response 07/23/2004 Reply in Support of Its Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Timothy J. O'Connell.
Memorandum 07/16/2004 Memorandum in Opposition to Motion for Summary Determination from Jeffrey D. Glick.
Notice 07/12/2004 Notice of Rescheduled Hearing (Rescheduled to Thursday, September 16, 2004) Notice of Waiver of Certain Filing Rquirements for Complainant
Motion 07/02/2004 Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Verizon from Veronica Moore.
Transcript 06/09/2004 Transcript, Volume 1, May 25, 2004, Pages 1 - 26. (Billing 6/17/04)
Notice of Hearing 05/27/2004 Order No. 01 - Prehearing Conference Order; Establishing Procedural Schedule; Notice of Hearing (To be held on September 14, 2004).
Letter 04/30/2004 Letter to Carole Washburn from Simon J. ffitch on behalf of Public Counsel, RE: Public Counsel will not be participating in this Docket. (Scanned & Posted)
Notice of Hearing 04/22/2004 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for May 25, 2004, 1:30 p.m.)
Response 04/21/2004 Answer to Formal Complaint on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Timothy J. O'Connell. (Scanned & Posted)
Notice 04/14/2004 Notice of Appearance on behalf of Verizon Northwest Inc., from Timothy J. O'Connell. (Scanned & Posted)
Initial Filing 03/22/2004 Initial filing from Jeffrey Glick.