Document Type | Date | Description |
Order - Final | 09/28/2005 | Order No. 02 - Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement
Agreement | 09/06/2005 | Settlement Agreement and Narrative Supporting Settlement on behalf of Parties from Christopher Swanson.
Notice | 08/29/2005 | Notice Suspending Procedural Schedule (August 29, 2005) |
Letter | 08/26/2005 | Letter to Dennis Moss, ALJ from Christopher Swanson on behalf of Parties, RE: Request to strike deadline for filing stipulated facts. (Scanned & Posted) |
Transcript | 07/12/2005 | Transcript Volume 1, June 27, 2005, Pages 1-7. (Billing 7/20/05)
07/01/2005 | E-mail from Mark Sidran to PG-041624 et al, RE: Scheduled Meeting with PSE Board. | |
Order - Prehearing Conference | 06/28/2005 | Order No. 01 - Prehearing Conference Order
06/28/2005 | E-mail to Bob Wallis, ALJ from Sheree Carson on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, RE: PSE also agrees to waive the initial order. | |
06/27/2005 | E-mail to Bob Wallis, ALJ from Christopher Swanson, AAG on behalf of Commission Staff, RE: Staff agrees to waive the initial order. | |
Notice of Hearing | 05/26/2005 | Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for June 27, 2005, 1:30 p.m.)
Response | 05/23/2005 | Answer to Commission Complaint on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Sheree Strom Carson. |
Notice | 05/20/2005 | Notice of Appearance on behalf of Puget Sound Energy from Sheree Strom Carson. (Scanned & Posted) |
Notice | 05/13/2005 | Notice of Appearance on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson. (Scanned & Posted) |
Order - Complaint | 05/02/2005 | Complaint
Letter | 03/08/2005 | Letter to Joe Subsits from Jim Hogan on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, RE: Response stating that the company cannot provide the medical data requested. |
Letter | 12/13/2004 | Letter to Carole Washburn from Jim Hogan on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, RE: Response to WUTC non-compliance report dated November 10, 2004. |
Letter | 11/10/2004 | Letter to Jim Hogan from Alan Rathbun, RE: Probable violation. |
Letter | 08/02/2004 | Letter to Joe Subsits from Jim Hogan, re: Response to the information request. |
Report | 07/06/2004 | PSE incident report. |
Letter | 06/24/2004 | Letter to Doug Damm from Joe Subsits, re: Request for information regarding the June 21, 2004 incident. |
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