UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 041515


Document Type Date Description
Letter 01/11/2005 Carole J. Washburn letter to all parties, Re: Compliance tariff sheets are approved to become effective January 13, 2005.
Compliance 01/10/2005 Compliance Filing on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities from Brian Hirschkorn. (via e-mail)
Order - Final 01/05/2005 Order No. 07 - Final Order Rejecting Tariffs; Authorizing Refiling; Cancelling Hearing
Document 12/27/2004 Statement of Position Regarding Proposed Settlement; Waiving Further Process on behalf of The Energy Project from Charles M. Eberdt. (Scanned & Posted)
Document 12/22/2004 Statement of Position Regarding Proposed Settlement; Waiving Further Process on behalf of Public Counsel from Robert W. Cromwell, Jr. (Scanned & Posted)
Letter 12/22/2004 C. Robert Wallis letter to Chuck Eberdt, Re: The Energy Project's position on the issue of a hearing.
Order - Other 12/07/2004 Order No. 06 - Order on Review Denying Suspension of Rates; Modifying Order.
Response 11/22/2004 Commission Staff's Response to Public Counsel's Petition for Reconsideration from Gregory J. Trautman, AAG.
Response 11/22/2004 Answer to Petition for Reconsidation on behalf of Avista Corporation from Kelly Norwood (via e-mail & fax). (Hard copy rec'd 11/23/04)
Transcript 11/12/2004 Transcript Volume 4, October 28, 2004, Pages 126-147. (Billiing 11/16/04)
Petition 11/12/2004 Petition for Reconsideration on behalf of Public Counsel from Robert W. Cromwell, Jr. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 11/15/04)
Notice 11/12/2004 Notice of Opportunity to File Answer to Petition for Reconsideration (By Monday, November 22, 2004).
Letter 11/03/2004 Letter to Carole Washburn from David J. Meyer on behalf of Avista Corp., d/b/a Avista Utilities, RE: Acceptance of Conditions Relating to the Grant of Short-term Implementation of Rates.
Compliance 11/03/2004 Revised Tariff Pages pursuant to Order No. 05 on behalf of Avista Corp., d/b/a Avista Utilities from Mike Fink. (via e-mail)
Order - Other 11/02/2004 Order No. 05 - Settlement Hearing Order on Process; Granting Short-Term Implementation of Rates; Notice of Hearing (Set for January 19, 2005, 9:30 a.m.)
Letter 10/28/2004 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Gregory J. Trautman on behalf of Staff, RE: Response to NWEC Comments.
Comment 10/27/2004 Comments on behalf of NWIGU from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/29/04)
Transcript 10/26/2004 Transcript, Volume 3, October 22, 2004, Pages 48 - 125. (Billing 11/2/04)
Transcript 10/25/2004 Transcript, Volume 2, October 11, 2004, Pages 19 - 47. (Billing 11/2/04)
Confidentiality Agreement 10/21/2004 Confidentiality Agreements for Edward A. Finklea, Chad M. Stokes, and Paula E. Pyron on behalf of NWIGU from Edward A. Finklea.
Testimony 10/20/2004 Testimony of Kelly O. Norwood in Support of Settlement Agreement on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities from Don M. Falkner.
Testimony 10/20/2004 Direct Testimony of Paula E. Pyron on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea.
Memorandum 10/20/2004 Memorandum of Authorities on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities from Don M. Falkner.
Memorandum 10/20/2004 Legal Memorandum Of Commission Staff Addressing The Commission's Authority To Accept The Proposed Settlement Agreement Between Avista Corporation, Commission Staff, And The Northwest Industrial Gas Users.
Memorandum 10/20/2004 Legal Memorandum Addressing Procedural Issues on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea.
Brief 10/20/2004 Brief of Public Counsel on Due Process Issues, Response of Public Counsel to Joint Motion of Avista Corporation, and the Staff of the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission for Early Implementation of Settlement Rates and Certificate of Service (via e-mail).
Testimony 10/15/2004 Testimony and Exhibits of Kenneth L. Elgin on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Agreement 10/15/2004 Settlement Agreement and Joint Motion for Early Implementation of Settlement Rates on behalf of Avista Corporation from David J. Meyer.
Notice of Hearing 10/15/2004 Notice of Public Hearing (Set for Thursday, October 28, 2004, 6:00 p.m.)
Notice of Hearing 10/12/2004 Order No. 04 - Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Settlement Presentation (Set for October 22, 2004, 1:30 p.m.) and Notice of Filing Deadlines (Settlement due October 15, 2004, 1:30 p.m.) (Prefiled testimony and legal memoranda due October 20, 2004).
Transcript 10/07/2004 Transcript, Volume 1, September 23, 2004, Pages 1-18. (Billing 10/19/04)
Order - Protective 10/05/2004 Order No. 03 - Protective Order
Notice of Hearing 09/30/2004 Order No. 02 - Prehearing Conference Order; Invoking Discovery Rules; Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for October 11, 2004, 1:30 p.m.)
Petition 09/23/2004 Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance for Edward A. Finklea and Chad M. Stokes on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea.
Notice 09/15/2004 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for September 23, 2004 at 1:30 p.m.)
Order - Suspension 09/08/2004 Order No. 01 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions
Letter 09/08/2004 Letter to Carole Washburn from Robert W. Cromwell, Jr., on behalf of Public Counsel, RE: Recommends Suspension.
Testimony 08/20/2004 Pre-filed Direct Testimony and Exhibits for Scott L. Morris, Malyn K. Malquist, William E. Avera, Don M. Falkner, Tara L. Knox, and Brian J. Hirschkorn on behalf of Avista Corporation from Kelly Norwood (posted).
Initial Filing 08/20/2004 Initial filing on behalf of Avista Corporation from Kelly Norwood (posted).