UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 042046


Filter by document type: All | Document | Initial Filing | Order - Final
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 04/27/2005 Order No. 01, Order Granting Conditional Exemption From WAC 480-120-540.
Document 04/14/2005 Supplemental Information to Petition for Waiver of WAC 480-120-540, Terminating Access Charges, on behalf of TeleWise, LLC from Carey Roesel.
Document 02/15/2005 Supplemental Information to Initial Petition of TeleWise, LLC from Carey Roesel. (via e-mail)
Initial Filing 11/19/2004 Initial filing on behalf of DialTek, LLC (TeleWise, LLC pending approval of UT-041981) from Cary Roesel. (via e-mail) (Hardcopy rec'd 11/19/05).