UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 043125


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Document Type Date Description
Amendment 06/11/2021 Request for approval of Eleventh Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and Teleport Communications America, LLC f/k/a TCG Seattle, on behalf of Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC, from Josie Addington. (via web portal)
Amendment 06/11/2021 Request for approval of Tenth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and Teleport Communications America, LLC f/k/a TCG Seattle, on behalf of Qwest Corporation d/b/a CenturyLink QC, from Josie Addington. (via web portal)
Amendment 03/29/2010 Ninth Amendment on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Maura E. Peterson. (via Web Portal)
Amendment 05/14/2008 Request for approval of Eighth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and TCG Seattle from Maura E. Peterson. (scanned & posted) (via Web Portal)
Amendment 07/25/2006 Request for approval of Seventh Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and TCG Seattle from Maura E. Peterson.
Amendment 05/05/2006 Request for approval of Sixth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and TCG Seattle from Maura E. Peterson.
Amendment 07/29/2005 Request for approval of Fifth Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and TCG Seattle from Maura E. Peterson.
Amendment 02/23/2005 Request for approval of Third and Fourth Amendments to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and TCG Seattle, from Maura E. Peterson.
Amendment 12/01/2004 Request for approval of Second Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and TCG Seattle from Maura E. Peterson.
Amendment 11/12/2004 Request for approval of First Amendment to Interconnection Agreement between Qwest Corporation and TCG Seattle from Maura E. Peterson.