UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing PG - 050331


Filter by document type: All | Letter | Order - Final | Report | Stipulation
Document Type Date Description
Letter 03/15/2010 Letter from Helge Ferchert, Puget Sound Energy to David Lykken, RE: Reporting the completion of the Relief Vent Program. (scanned & posted)
Letter 03/12/2009 Letter to Dave Danner from Helge Ferchert, Puget Sound Energy, RE: Relief Vent Program Annual Progress Report through December 31, 2008. (scanned & posted)
Letter 03/14/2008 Letter to Dave Lykken from Duane Henderson, Puget Sound Energy, RE: Annual Report status on the Relief Vent Program for progress through December 31, 2007. (scanned & posted)
Order - Final 10/10/2007 Order 01 Order Accepting Agreement and Closing Investigations.
Letter 10/05/2007 Letter from Michael A. Fassio on behalf of Staff, RE: Revised Proposed Order Accepting Agreement.
Stipulation 09/21/2007 Stipulated Agreement to Close Dockets, Appendices thereto, proposed Order and Letter on behalf of Parties by Michael A. Fassio
Letter 09/21/2007 Letter to Michael Fassio, AAG, from Stephanie J. Kreshel, on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, RE: Stipulated agreements to closed dockets PG-050331 and PG-050516. (scanned & posted)
Letter 01/12/2007 Letter to Alan Rathbun from Jim Hogan on behalf of Puget Sound Energy, RE: 2005 Standard Inspection of Pierce County Distribution. (scanned & posted)
Letter 09/18/2006 Letter to Alan Rathbun from Jim Hogan, re: Letter of intent from P.S.E.
Report 08/16/2006 Field inspection report.
Letter 08/16/2006 Cover Letter to Jim Hogan from Alan Rathbun re: Results from 2005 standard inspection.