UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 050482


Document Type Date Description
Exhibit 03/14/2006 Exhibit List.
Order - Other 12/30/2005 Compliance letter
Compliance 12/28/2005 Redacted Compliance Filing on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from Kelly Norwood. (via web portal) (Hardcopy rec'd: 12/29/05)
Letter 12/27/2005 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Kelly Norwood on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, RE: Accepts conditions and will submit compliance filing. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/28/05)
Order - Other 12/23/2005 Order No. 06 - Granting Extension of Time to Make Compliance Filing
Motion 12/22/2005 Motion for an extension of time to make compliance filing on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from Linda Gervais. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec's 12/23/05)
Order - Final 12/21/2005 Order No. 05 - Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement with Conditions
Brief 11/14/2005 Post-Hearing Brief of Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Ruth A. Miller. (via e-mail)
Brief 11/14/2005 Initial Brief of Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea. (via e-mail)
Brief 11/14/2005 Brief on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from Mike Fink.
Brief 11/14/2005 Brief of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail)
Brief 11/14/2005 Brief of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Transcript 10/27/2005 Transcript; Volume 6; October 20, 2005; pages 780-806.
Transcript 10/26/2005 Transcript; Volume 5; October 19, 2005; pages 620-779. (Billing 11/9/05)
Transcript 10/25/2005 Transcript, Volume 4; October 18, 2005; pages 358-619. (Billing 11/9/05)
Transcript 10/24/2005 Transcript ; Volume 3; October 17, 2005; pages 85-367. (Billing 11/9/05)
Transcript 10/24/2005 Transcript ; Volume 2; October 11, 2005; pages 18-84. (Billing 11/9/05)
Transcript 10/24/2005 Corrected Transcript; Volume 3; October 17, 2005; pages 85-367.
Response 10/21/2005 Response to Bench Request No. 6 on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from Mike Fink. (via e-mail)
Comment 10/21/2005 Comments on behalf of Inland Empire Paper Company from Wayne D. Andresen. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/24/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 10/19/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Melinda J. Davison on behalf of ICNU from Christian W. Griffen. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/20/05)
Testimony 10/13/2005 Errata to Redacted Direct Testimony of Randall J. Falkenberg on behalf of ICNU from Christian W. Griffen. (via web portal)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/14/05)
Response 10/12/2005 Response to Bench Request No. 5 on behalf of ICNU from Ruth A. Miller. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/13/05)
Response 10/12/2005 Response to Bench Request No. 4 on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/13/05)
Log 10/11/2005 Sign in sheet from October 11, 2005 public meeting.
Notice 10/06/2005 Notice of Issuance of Commission Bench Requests (By Wednesday, October 12, 2005)
Motion 10/06/2005 Motion for Leave to File Revised Rebuttal Testimony of Jim Lazar on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/12/05)
Response 10/04/2005 Response to Commission Bench Request No. 3 on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from Mike Fink.
Notice 09/29/2005 Notice of Issuance of Commission Bench Request (By Tuesdsay, October 4, 2005)
Testimony 09/22/2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Roger Braden on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Testimony 09/22/2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Randall J. Falkenberg, Michael Gorman, and Kathryn Iverson on behalf of ICNU from Christian W. Griffen.
Testimony 09/22/2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Jim Lazar, James Dittmer, Stephen Hill and Merton R. Lott on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail)
Testimony 09/22/2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Donald W. Schoenbeck in support of Settlement Agreement on behalf of NWIGU from Edward A. Finklea.
Testimony 09/22/2005 Rebuttal Testimony of Brian J. Hirschkorn, Clint Kalich, Don M. Falkner, Kelly O. Norwood, Randall O. Cloward, Tara L. Knox, William E. Avera, and William G. Johnson on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilites from David J. Meyer. (via e-mail)
Agreement 09/22/2005 Amendment to Settlement Agreement on behalf of Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Response 09/15/2005 Response to Commission Bench Request No. 2 on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities from Mike Fink.
Notice 09/13/2005 Notice of Issuance of Commission Bench Requests (By Monday, September 19, 2005)
Letter 09/06/2005 Letter to Lynda Johnson from Patty Olsness on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, RE: Notice for Washington customers regarding the Public Hearing to be held October 12 in Spokane. (Scanned & Posted)
Document 09/01/2005 Original Signature Pages of Settlement Agreement and Joint Motion on behalf of Parties from Gregory J. Trautman.
Notice of Hearing 08/29/2005 Notice of Public Hearing (Set for Tuesday, October 11, 2005, at 5:00 p.m.)
Testimony 08/26/2005 Redacted Direct Testimony of Randall J. Falkenber and Michael Gorman on behalf of ICNU from Christian W. Griffen.
Testimony 08/26/2005 Joint Direct Testimony of Kelly Norwood, Brian J. Hirschkorn, Roger Braden, Michael Parvinen, Hank McIntosh, Joelle Steward, Donald W. Schoenbeck, and Charles Eberdt from Christopher Swanson.
Testimony 08/26/2005 Direct Testimony of Merton Lott on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch.
Testimony 08/26/2005 Direct Testimony of Jim Lazar, Stephen Hill, and James Dittmer on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch.
Letter 08/25/2005 Letter to Commission regarding Hearing Dates on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson.
Letter 08/25/2005 Letter to Carole Washburn from Simon J. ffitch on behalf of Public Counsel, RE: Preferences for public comment hearing date. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/26/05)
Letter 08/25/2005 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from David J. Meyer on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, RE: Waiver of suspension period. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/26/05)
Letter 08/25/2005 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from David J. Meyer on behalf of Avista Corporation d/b/a Avista Utilities, RE: Preferences for public comment hearing date. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/26/05)
Replacement Page 08/24/2005 Substitute sheets replacing original sheets as part of the Settlement Agreement on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities from David J. Meyer. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/25/05)
Order - Other 08/24/2005 Order No. 04 - Granting Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule to Consider Proposed Settlement, Subject to Condition
Response 08/22/2005 Reply to Answer/Response of Public Counsel and the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities from David J. Meyer. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/23/05)
Response 08/22/2005 Reply to Answer/Response of Public Counsel and ICNU on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson.
Notice 08/18/2005 Notice of Opportunity to Reply to Responses to Joint Motion to Modify Procedural Schedule (By Monday, August 22, 2005)
Response 08/17/2005 Response in Opposition of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities from Sheila R. Ho. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/18/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 08/17/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Laura Norton on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/18/05)
Response 08/17/2005 Answer to Joint Motion for Modification of Procedural Schedule on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail)(Harcopy rec'd 8/18/05)
Notice 08/15/2005 Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Motion (By Wednesday, August 17, 2005)
Agreement 08/12/2005 Settlement Agreement and Joint Motion of Signing Parties for Modification of Procedural Schedule from Gregory J. Trautman.
Confidentiality Agreement 07/06/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Ronald Roseman and Charles Eberdt on behalf of The Energy Project from Ronald L. Roseman. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/24/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for James Selecky, Kathryn Iverson, and Randall Falkenberg on behalf of ICNU from Christian W. Griffen. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/27/05)
Testimony 06/17/2005 Supplemental Direct Testimony of Don M. Falkner on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities from David J. Meyer.
Letter 06/13/2005 Letter to Dennis Moss, ALJ and Karen Caille, ALJ from David Meyer on behalf of Avista Corp. d/b/a Avista Utilities, RE: Revised Settlement Discussion Dates. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/09/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Sarah C. Yasutake, S. Bradley Van Cleve, and Matthew Perkins on behalf of ICNU from Christian W. Griffen. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 6/10/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/08/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Stephen Hill, Deborah Clark, Steve Carver, and Michael Brosch on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/9/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/07/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Edward A. Finklea, Chad M. Stokes, and Donald W. Schoenbeck on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users (NWIGU) from Nancy Herzberg. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/9/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/03/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Jim Lazar, Merton Lott, and James Dittmer on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/6/05)
Transcript 06/02/2005 Transcript Volume 1, May 18, 2005, Pages 1-17. (Billing 6/16/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/02/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Graciela Etchart on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 06/01/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Roger Braden and Joelle Steward on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/25/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Simon ffitch, Robert Cromwell, Mary Kimball, Steve Johnson, Carol Williams, and Kathryn Zsoka on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon ffitch, AAG. (FAX)(Hardcopy rec'd 5/26/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/25/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Mike Parvinen, Roland Martin, Joanna Huang, Hank McIntosh, Yohannes Mariam, and Jim Russell on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/23/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Christopher Swanson and Gregory Trautman on behalf of staff from Christopher Swanson, AAG.
Order - Protective 05/20/2005 Order No. 02 - Protective order
Order - Prehearing Conference 05/20/2005 Order No. 01 - Prehearing Conference
Petition 05/18/2005 Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance on behalf of the Industrial Customers of Northwest Utilities (ICNU) from Christian W. Griffen.
Petition 05/06/2005 Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance on behalf of Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea and Chad M. Stokes.
Notice of Hearing 05/02/2005 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for May 18, 2005, 1:30 p.m.)
Order - Suspension 04/27/2005 Order No. 01, Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions and Order of Consolidation.
Open Meeting Memo 04/27/2005 Open Meeting Memo for April 27, 2005, Open Meeting.
Notice 04/18/2005 Notice of Appearance for Gregory J. Trautman on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Notice 04/18/2005 Notice of Appearance for Christopher Swanson on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson. (Scanned & Posted)
Testimony 04/04/2005 Direct Testimony and Exhibits of Scott L. Morris, Malyn K. Malquist, William E. Avera, Don F. Kopczynski, Ronald R. Peterson, Don M. Falkner, Brian J. Hirschkorn, Clint Kalich, William G. Johnson, Tara L. Knox and David D. Holmes on behalf of Avista Corp., d/b/a Avista Utilities from Kelly Norwood.
Initial Filing 03/30/2005 Initial filing on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Kelly Norwood. (scanned and posted)