UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 050606


Document Type Date Description
Confidentiality Agreement 07/18/2008 Confidential and Highly Confidential Information Agreements signed by Mark Vasconi and Jing Liu on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 07/18/2008 Confidential and Highly Confidential Information Agreements signed by Mark Vasconi and Jing Liu on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Letter 10/02/2007 Letter on behalf of Parties and Order of Thurston County Superior Court from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 09/18/2007 Highly Confidential Agreements for Shannon E. Smith and Sarah A. Shifley on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/19/2007)
Confidentiality Agreement 09/18/2007 Confidentiality Agreements for Shannon E. Smith and Sarah A. Shifley on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/19/2007)
Letter 01/25/2007 Letter from Carole Washburn to Thurston County Superior Court Clerk, RE: Transmittal of court record in Cause No. 06-2-02358-4; Letter from Carole Washburn to Richard A. Finnigan, RE: Notification of filing of court record; Certificate; and Index.
Exhibit 01/16/2007 Exhibits 1T - 9, 11, 13 - 19C/19HC, 21 - 26, 31T - 35, 37 - 45, and 49 - 62 admitted. Exhibits 20, 27 and 36 withdrawn. Exhibits 10, 12, and 46 - 48C not offered.
Petition 12/26/2006 Petition for review on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan.
Order - Final 11/30/2006 Order 09 - Final Order Affirming Initial Order; Rejecting Tariff Revision
Email 11/14/2006 E-mail from Richard Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company to Bob Wallis, ALJ, RE: Company agrees with extending suspension date.
Email 11/14/2006 E-mail from Bob Wallis, ALJ to Richard Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, RE: Request to extend suspension date.
Confidentiality Agreement 10/13/2006 Highly Confidential Information Agreement signed by Chris R. Rose on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 10/12/2006 Confidentiality Agreement for Chris Rose on behalf of Staff from Sally G. Johnston.
Response 09/25/2006 Reply to Responses to Inland's Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 9/25/2006)
Notice 09/16/2006 Notice of Change of Address for Public Counsel from Kathryn Zsoka (scanned & posted).
Response 09/14/2006 Response of Intelligent Communicty Services, Inc., to Inland Petition for Administrative Review from Mary A. Scorsorie (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09-14-06).
Response 09/14/2006 Redacted Answer of Commission Staff to Inland's Petition for Administrative Review from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, AAG.
Response 09/12/2006 Response to Inland Telephone Company's Petition for Administrative Review of Initial Order No. 08 Rejecting a Tariff Revision Petition on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09-14-06)
Notice 09/01/2006 Notice Extending Time to Respond to Petition for Administrative Review (By Thursday, September 14, 2006) (Reply due, if any, by Monday, September 25, 2006)
Letter 08/31/2006 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski on behalf of Staff, RE: Request for Extension of Time to File Answer to Inland's Petition for Administrative Review.
Notice 08/28/2006 Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Petition For Review (Rescheduled to be due Wednesday, September 6, 2006)
Notice 08/24/2006 Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Petition for Review (Due Thursday, September 14, 2006)
Petition 08/22/2006 Redacted Petition for Administrative Review on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan.
Order - Initial 08/03/2006 Order 08 - Initial Order Rejecting Petition for Tariff Revision
Email 08/03/2006 E-mail to Kippi Walker from Richard A. Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, RE: Response to Request to Extend Suspension Date.
Brief 06/21/2006 Reply Brief on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/22/06)
Brief 06/21/2006 Redacted Reply Brief on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard Finnigan (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 06/21/06).
Brief 06/21/2006 Redacted Reply Brief of Commission Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Letter 06/07/2006 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Richard A. Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, RE: Opening Brief Erratum. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/7/06)
Brief 06/06/2006 Redacted Initial Brief on behalf of Commission Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 06/05/2006 Highly Confidential Agreement for Gregory J. Kopta on behalf of Intelligent Community Services, Inc., from Mary A. Scarsorie. (Scanned & Posted)
Brief 06/05/2006 Redacted Opening Brief on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/5/06)
Brief 06/05/2006 Post-Hearing Brief Concerning Inland Telephone Company's Tariff Removing Suncadia Resort from its Roslyn Exchange on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/6/06)
Brief 06/05/2006 Opening Brief on behalf of Intelligent Community Services, Inc., from Gregory J. Kopta. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/25/2006 Highly Confidential Agreement for Simon ffitch on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (Scanned & Posted)
Transcript 05/12/2006 Transcript Volume 5, April 28, 2006, Pages 195-229. (Billing 5/31/06)
Transcript 05/12/2006 Redacted Transcript Volume 4, April 27, 2006, Pages 31-194. (Billing 5/31/06)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/11/2006 Highly Confidential Agreement for Mary Kimball on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/04/2006 Highly Confidential Agreements for Judy Krebs, Steven Johnson, Stafanie Johnson, Carol Williams, Kathryn Zsoka, and Elizabeth Jackson on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/03/2006 Highly Confidential Agreements for Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski, Deborah Reynolds and Robert Shirley on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 05/02/2006 Highly confidential agreement for Richard A. Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (Scanned & Posted)
Order - Protective 05/01/2006 Order 07 - Protective Order, Superseding Protective Order 03.
Notice 04/25/2006 Notice of Time for Cross Examination of Witnesses, Letter and Certificate of Service on behalf of Staff by Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski
Exhibit 04/25/2006 Cross Exhibit List and Cross Exhibits on behalf of ICS from Gregory J. Kopta. (Scanned & Posted)
Exhibit 04/25/2006 List of Cross Exhibits on behalf of Staff by Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Notice 03/24/2006 Notice Modifying Procedural Schedule.
Letter 03/20/2006 Letter to Theodora Mace, ALJ from Richard A. Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, RE: Suggested Revised Schedule. (via web portal)(Hardcopy rec'd 3/20/06)
Motion 03/15/2006 Request for Continuance on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan.
Transcript 03/14/2006 Transcript; Volume 3; March 2, 2006; pages 25-30. (Billing 3/30/06)
Order - Prehearing Conference 03/02/2006 Order No. 06 - Prehearing Conference Order and Notice of Hearing (April 18-19,l 2006 at 9:30 a.m.)
Notice 03/02/2006 Notice of Substitution of Counsel on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Confidentiality Agreement 03/02/2006 Confidentiality Agreement for Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Notice of Hearing 02/22/2006 Notice of Continuance of Evidentiary Hearing (From March 2, 2006 to April 4, 2006) and Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for March 2, 2006 at 9:30 a.m.)
Motion 02/21/2006 Agreed Request for Continuance on behalf of Parties from Sally G. Johnston.
Order - Other 02/16/2006 Order No. 05 - Order Denying Motion For Summary Determination
Testimony 02/03/2006 Reply Testimony of John P. Coonan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (Scanned & Posted)
Notice 01/20/2006 Notice of Substitution of Counsel on behalf of Commission Staff from Sally G. Johnston.
Confidentiality Agreement 01/20/2006 Confidentiality Agreement for Sally G. Johnston on behalf of Commission Staff from Sally G. Johnston.
Response 01/19/2006 Response to Staff Objections on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (via web portal)(Hardcopy rec'd 1/19/06)
Response 01/17/2006 Response to Public Counsel's Answer in Support of Commission Staff's Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (via web portal)(Hardcopy rec'd 1/17/06)
Response 01/17/2006 Reply to Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson.
Letter 01/12/2006 Letter to Theodora Mace, ALJ from Judith Krebs on behalf of Public Counsel, RE: Support for Staff's request for opportunity to file a Reply. (Scanned & Posted)
Notice 01/11/2006 Notice of Opportunity to Respond (By Tuesday, January 17, 2006)
Letter 01/09/2006 Letter to Theodora Mace, ALJ from Richard A. Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, RE: Response to Staff's Letter. (via web portal)(Hardcopy rec'd 1/9/06)
Letter 01/09/2006 Letter to ALJ Theodora Mace from Christopher Swanson on behalf of Commission Staff, RE: Reply from Staff to Inland's response to Motion for Summary Determination.
Response 01/06/2006 Response to Commission Staff's Motion for Summary Determination and Declaration of John P. Coonan, on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (via web portal) (Hardcopy rec'd: 1/6/06)
Notice 01/06/2006 Notice of Opportunity for Brief Supplemental Response to Motion (Due Tuesday, January 17, 2006)
Letter 01/06/2006 Letter to Theodora Mace, ALJ from Richard A. Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, RE: Request for extension of time to respond. (via web portal)(Hardcopy 1/6/06)
Response 01/06/2006 Answer in Support of Commission Staff's Motion for Summary Determination Denying Tariff Filing on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 1/9/06)
Notice 12/28/2005 Notice of Substitution of Counsel on behalf of Public Counsel from Judy Krebs. (via fax)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/30/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 12/28/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Stefanie Johnson on behalf of Public Counsel from Judy Krebs. (via fax)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/30/05)
Notice 12/22/2005 Notice of Opportunity to Respond to Motion (Due Friday, January 6, 2006)
Motion 12/21/2005 Motion for Summary Determination on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/20/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Mary Kimball on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/21/05)
Testimony 12/16/2005 Redacted Testimony and Exhibits for Deborah J. Reynolds and Robert Shirley on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson.
Confidentiality Agreement 12/16/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Simon J. ffitch, Judy Krebs, and Carol Williams on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via fax)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/20/05)
Notice 11/30/2005 Notice of Substitution of Counsel on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via fax)
Agreement 10/28/2005 Agreement to Mediate between Richard Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, Robert Cromwell on behalf of Public Counsel, Gregory J. Kopta on behalf of Intelligent Community Services, Inc., Chris Swanson on behalf of Commission Staff, and John L. West on behalf of Suncadia, LLC.
Testimony 10/21/2005 Direct Testimony of Paul J. Eisenberg on behalf of Suncadia, LLC from John L. West. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/21/05)
Testimony 10/21/2005 Direct Testimony of John P. Coonan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan. (via web portal)
Transcript 10/19/2005 Transcript; Volume 2; October 5, 2005; pages 10-24. (Billing 10/28/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 10/11/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Tani Thurston, Bob Shirley and Wilford Saunders on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson.
Notice 10/05/2005 Notice of Modification of Schedule
Response 10/03/2005 Opposition to Inland Motion to Compel on behalf of Intelligent Community Services, Inc., from Gregory J. Kopta. (via web portal)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/04/05)
Order - Other 09/20/2005 Order No. 04 - Order Granting Motion to Exclude Certain Experts From Access to Confidential Information
Notice 09/19/2005 Notice of Opportunity to Respond (By Monday, October 3, 2005); Notice of Hearing (Set for Wednesday, October 5, 2005 at 9:30 a.m.)
Notice of Hearing 09/16/2005 Notice of Opportunity to Respond (By September 21, 2005, at noon) and Notice of Hearing (September 22, 2005, at 9:30 a.m.)
Motion 09/14/2005 Motion to Compel ICS to Respond to Data Requests on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, from Richard Finnigan. (Scanned & Posted)
Response 09/06/2005 Response to Suncadia, LLC's Motion to Exclude Certain Experts from Access to Confidential Information and Request for Expedited Ruling on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan.
Objection 09/06/2005 Objections to Confidentiality Agreements signed by Gregory Maras, James K. Brooks, and John P. Coonan on behalf of Suncadia, LLC from John L. West.
Notice 09/06/2005 Notice of Opportunity to File Answer (By September 16, 2005).
Motion 09/06/2005 Motion to exclude certain experts from access to confidential information on behalf of Suncadia, LLC from John L. West.
Confidentiality Agreement 08/31/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Robert W. Cromwell, Jr., on behalf of Public Counsel from Robert W. Cromwell, Jr. (via fax) (Scanned & Posted)(Hardcopy rec'd 9/02/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 08/29/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for John P. Coonan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan.
Transcript 08/25/2005 Transcript Volume 1, August 11, 2005, Pages 1-9. (Billing 9/8/05)
Confidentiality Agreement 08/23/2005 Confidentiality Agreements for Gregory A. Maras and James K. Brooks on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan.
Confidentiality Agreement 08/19/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Richard A. Finnigan on behalf of Inland Telephone Company from Richard A. Finnigan.
Confidentiality Agreement 08/19/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Glenn Blackmon on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 08/18/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Deborah J. Reynolds on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson. (Scanned & Posted)
Order - Protective 08/17/2005 Order No. 03 - Protective Order
Confidentiality Agreement 08/17/2005 Confidentiality Agreement for Christopher Swanson on behalf of Commission Staff from Christopher Swanson.
Order - Prehearing Conference 08/16/2005 Order No. 02 - Prehearing Conference Order
Petition 08/10/2005 Petition to Intervene on behalf of Intelligent Community Services, Inc., from Gregory J. Kopta. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/11/05)
Petition 08/05/2005 Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance on behalf of Suncadia, LLC from Richard M. Peterson. (via e-mail) (Hardcopy rec'd: 8/8/05)
Notice of Hearing 07/19/2005 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for August 11, 2005, 2:30 p.m.)
Order - Suspension 06/29/2005 Order No. 01 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions.
Open Meeting Memo 06/29/2005 Open Meeting Memo for the June 29, 2005 Open Meeting.
Document 06/29/2005 Handout on behalf of Suncadia distributed at the June 29, 2005 Open Meeting.
Open Meeting Memo 06/15/2005 Open Meeting Memo of June 15, 2005, Open Meeting.
Letter 06/13/2005 Letter on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, requesting to extend the effective date, from Richard Finnigan. (scanned and posted) (reflects a change to the Open Meeting date)
Letter 05/17/2005 Letter on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, requesting to extend the effective date, from Richard Finnigan. (scanned and posted) ( reflects a change to the Open Meeting date)
Document 05/10/2005 Letter to Deborah Reynolds from Paul Eisenberg on behalf of Suncadia, RE: Inland Telephone Filing UT-050606 dated April 19, 2005 and supporting documents.
Letter 05/05/2005 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Steven M. Daniels on behalf of Intelligent Community Services (ICS), RE: Protest of Inland Telephone Company Tariff Revision. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 5/9/05)
Letter 05/03/2005 Letter on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, requesting to extend the effective date, from Richard Finnigan. (scanned and posted) ( reflects a change to the Open Meeting date)
Initial Filing 04/19/2005 Initial filing on behalf of Inland Telephone Company, from Richard Finnigan. (scanned and posted)