UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 051580


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Document Type Date Description
Document 05/26/2006 Rate Center Consolidation Survey Response 5 06
Document 05/26/2006 Economics and Technology Inc 2001 Numbering Report.
Document 05/11/2006 Article from the Daily Olympia, RE: FCC argues VoIP is not an information service...
Document 02/07/2006 NARUC VOIP Number Resolution Proposed Feb 2006.
Document 01/18/2006 VOIP Vonage TelecomWeb News 01 06
Document 01/18/2006 VOIP Historical 2004
Document 01/09/2006 VOIP-Vonage 911 Ltr Gov Gregoire 12 2005.
Document 12/12/2005 VOIP 911 Intrado Present 9 05
Document 12/08/2005 VOIP Yahoo Number Use 12 2005.
Document 12/07/2005 VOIP 911 Senate Bill 1063 action 11 2005
Document 12/07/2005 VOIP 911 Senate Bill 1063
Document 12/01/2005 VOIP Telco Staff Briefing 11 2005
Document 12/01/2005 VOIP Comcast Svc Update 11 2005
Document 11/29/2005 VOIP FCC 911 Mandate Missed 11 2005
Document 11/16/2005 "... Internet Governance ... Asia Development Information Programme, United Nations, Kuala Lumpur", June 2004
Document 11/16/2005 "VOIP ... Guidance to the U.S. Department of State ...", April 2005
Document 11/16/2005 "VOIP at the Crossroads", WileyRein&Fielding, February 2005
Document 11/16/2005 "International Chamber of Commerce, Policy statement on VoIP", July 2004
Document 11/16/2005 WA - UTC complaint 95308 Number Porting vs Comcast.
Document 11/16/2005 VOIP-MN Report E911 VOIP Tax 2005.
Document 11/16/2005 Blair Levin Speech to the FAll 2005 VON Conference, "Where is the Love"
Email 11/16/2005 e-mail to Bob Williamson, RE: VoIP & Number Portability.
Document 11/09/2005 WA Post: VOIP Nov FCC mandate
Document 11/03/2005 VOIP Number Move 10 31 05 Article
Document 11/02/2005 VOIP Tax EMD/Dor Report to Legislature 11 2005.
Document 10/31/2005 VOIP Public Notice FCC 10 31 2005.
Document 10/27/2005 VOIP Report NANC work group 07 2005.
Document 10/27/2005 VOIP Proviso EMD Budget 2006.
Document 10/17/2005 VoIP Regulatory Status Matrix 2005.
Document 10/17/2005 VoIP Intrado Briefing.
Document 10/17/2005 UTC Telecom Overview.