UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UT - 053098


Document Type Date Description
Agreement 06/08/2006 Payment Terms Agreement filed in UT-013086, filed in compliance with Paragraph 4 of the Narrative Supporting Settlement on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Maura E. Peterson.
Order - Final 04/18/2006 Order 01 - Order Approving Settlement Agreement and Dismissing Petition with Prejudice
Agreement 03/21/2006 Redacted Joint Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice, Settlement Agreement, and Narrative Supporting Settlement Agreement on behalf of Parties from Lisa A. Anderl. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 3/22/06)
Notice 03/21/2006 Notice of Cancellation of Status Conference (Scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, 2006)
Letter 03/20/2006 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Lisa A. Anderl on behalf of Qwest Corporation, RE: Request to cancel status conference. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 3/21/06)
Notice 03/06/2006 Notice of Cancellation of Prehearing Conference (Scheduled for Tuesday, March 7, 2006, at 9:30 a.m.) Notice of Status Conference (Scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, 2006, at 11:00 a.m.)
Notice of Hearing 02/16/2006 Notice of Continuance of Prehearing Conference (Rescheduled for Tuesday, March 7, 2006, at 9:30 a.m.)
Letter 02/16/2006 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Lisa A. Anderl on behalf of Qwest Corporation, RE: Request to Reschedule Prehearing Conference. (via e-mail) (Hardcopy rec'd: 2/17/06)
Notice of Hearing 01/24/2006 Notice of Continuation of Prehearing Conference (Continued until Thursday, February 16, 2006, at 9:30 a.m.)
Letter 01/24/2006 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Lisa A. Anderl on behalf of Qwest Corporation, RE: Request for continuance of prehearing conference. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 1/25/06)
Letter 01/23/2006 Letter to Ann Rendahl, ALJ from David Mittle on behalf of Tel West Communications, LLC, RE: Request to attend the prehearing conference by telephone. (Scanned & Posted)
Response 01/12/2006 Answer to Tel West's Motion to Dismiss on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Lisa A. Anderl. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 1/13/06)
Response 01/05/2006 Answer to Counterclaim of Qwest Corporation and Motion to Dismiss, and in the Alternative, Sever the Counterclaim of qwest Corporation on behalf of Tel West Communications, LLC from David E. Mittle. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 1/6/06)
Letter 12/29/2005 Letter to Carole Washburn from David E. Mittle on behalf of Tel West Communications, RE: Corrects docket number referenced on request for extension of time to file answer filed on 12/28/05. (via e-mail)
Notice 12/28/2005 Notice of Extension of Time to File Answer to Qwest's Counterclaims (Due on Friday, January 6, 2006)
Letter 12/28/2005 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from David E. Mittle on behalf of Tel West Communications, RE: Request for extension of time to file an answer to Qwest's Answer and Counterclaim. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/30/05)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/29/05).
Response 12/21/2005 Redacted Answer and Counterclaim on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Lisa A. Anderl.
Response 12/21/2005 Redacted Answer and Counterclaim on behalf of Qwest Corporation from Lisa A. Anderl.
Notice 12/15/2005 Notice of Extension of Time to File Answer (Due on Wednesday, December 21, 2005)
Letter 12/14/2005 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from Lisa A. Anderl on behalf of Qwest Corporation, RE: Request for extension of time to file answer. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/16/05)
Initial Filing 12/08/2005 Initial filing on behalf of Tel West Communications, LLC from David E. Mittle. (Scanned & Posted)