UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 060107


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 06/11/2009 Order 04 Order Rescinding Order 03 Granting Disbursement From the Grade Crossing Protective Fund. USDOT: 084546T UTC: 2A1760.40
Email 05/27/2009 E-mail from Dona Murphy, City of Sultan, to Paul Curl, RE: Returning $20,000 GCPF funding. (scanned & posted)
Agreement 06/04/2008 Signed Project Agreement on behalf of The City of Sultan from Carolyn Eslick. (scanned & posted)
Order - Final 04/28/2008 Order 03 - Order Granting Request for Disbursement from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund.
Comment 05/14/2007 Comments from residents of the City of Sultan. (Scanned & Posted)
Order - Final 05/09/2007 Order 02 Order Rescinding Order 01 Granting Disbursement From the Grade Crossing Protective Fund. USDOT: 084546T UTC: 2A1760.40.
Agreement 08/25/2006 Executed Project Agreement on behalf of the City of Sultan. (Scanned & Posted)
Agreement 08/16/2006 Project Agreement - Grade Crossing Protective Fund.
Order - Final 08/16/2006 Order Granting Request for Disbursement from the Grade Crossing Protective Fund.
Letter 06/23/2006 Letter of Agreement between the City of Sultan and Dan Ramirez, Developer and Property Owner. (Scanned & Posted)
Initial Filing 01/19/2006 Initial filing on behalf of the City of Sultan from Donna Murphy. (Scanned & Posted)