UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UG - 060256


Document Type Date Description
Compliance 06/30/2016 Annual Conservation Achievement Report for Calendar Year 2015, on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via email)
Letter 12/23/2015 Response to Cascade Natural Gas Company's December 14, 2015, filing of its 2016 Conservation Plan, on behalf of Public Counsel, from Stefanie Johnson for Lea Fisher. (via web portal) Hard copy received 12/24/15
Compliance 06/30/2015 Annual Conservation Achievement Report for Calendar Year 2014 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Michael Parvinen. (via email)
Memorandum 01/29/2015 Cascade Natural Gas Conservation Update Memo December 17, 2014.
Confidentiality Agreement 10/01/2014 Confidentiality Agreement Signed by Betty Erdahl, on behalf of Staff, from Elizabeth M. DeMarco.
Replacement Page 08/29/2014 Addendum to Annual Conservation Achievement Report for Calendar Year 2013 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Michael Parvinen. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/02/2014)
Compliance 07/01/2014 Annual Conservation Achievement Report for Calendar Year 2013 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Michael Parvinen. (via e-mail)
Compliance 06/27/2013 Annual Conservation Achievement Report for Calendar Year 2012 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Michael Parvinen. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 07/01/2013)
Compliance 06/26/2012 Annual Conservation Achievement Report for Calendar Year 2011 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Michael Parvinen. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 06/28/2012)
Compliance 07/21/2011 Certificate of Service on behalf of Cascade Natural gas Corporation from Maryalice Rosales, RE: COS related to the Independent Third Party Evaluation of Washington Decoupling Mechanism Pilot. (via email)
Compliance 07/11/2011 Independent Examination of Washington Pilot Decoupling Mechanism Report on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Allison A. Spector. (via email) (hard copy rec'd 07/13/2011)
Compliance 03/31/2011 Statement of Operations and Annual Commission Basis Report for the 12-month period ending December 31, 2010 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Katherine J. Barnard. (via e-mail)
Compliance 03/31/2010 Annual Decoupling Mechanism Report for Calendar Year 2009 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Allison Spector. (via e-mail)
Compliance 05/22/2009 Supplement to 2008 Annual Decoupling Mechanism Report on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Allison Spector. (via e-mail)
Compliance 03/31/2009 Annual Decoupling Mechanism Report for Calendar Year 2008 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Allison Spector. (via e-mail)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/01/2008 Confidentiality Agreement for Deborah Reynolds on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Letter 12/28/2007 Letter on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz, RE: Implementation of Conservation Plan. (via e-mail)
Compliance 11/01/2007 Requests for Proposal (RFPs) on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 11/1/2007) (hard copy available in Records)
Order - Other 10/01/2007 Order 07 - Order Accepting Addendum to Conservation Plan; Approving Tariff Filing
Response 09/27/2007 Response on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas from Lawrence Reichman, RE: Public Counsel's Comments. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/28/2007)
Comment 09/27/2007 Comments in Response to Public Counsel's Comments Regarding Cascade's Addendum to its Conservation Plan on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Compliance 09/26/2007 Substitute Tariff Page on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/27/07)
Notice 09/25/2007 Notice of Opportunity to Submit Comments (By Thursday, September 27, 2007, at 3:00 p.m.)
Comment 09/24/2007 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon ffitch, RE: Addendum to Censervation Plan filed by Cascade on September 14, 2007. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/25/2007)
Document 09/14/2007 Addendum on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz, RE: Addendum to the Company's Conservation Plan and the associated tariff sheets. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/17/2007)
Confidentiality Agreement 09/13/2007 Confidentiality Agreement for Sarah A. Shifley on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 09/14/2007)
Order - Other 08/16/2007 Order 06 - Order Approving Conservation and Low Income Weatherization Plan, Subject to Conditions; Authorizing and Requiring Compliance Filing; Denying Public Counsel's Motion For Leave to File Comments
Response 07/18/2007 Response of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation to Public Counsel's Motion from James M. Van Nostrand. (via e-mail) (Hard copy rec'd 07/19/07)
Motion 07/16/2007 Public Counsel's Motion for Leave to File Response to Bench Request No. 6; Objection from Simon J. ffitch. (posted)
Comment 07/16/2007 Public Counsel's Comments in Regarding Cascade Response to Bench Request No. 6; Objection from Simon J. ffitch. (posted)
Response 07/09/2007 Responses to Bench Requests Nos. 5 and 6 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Lawrence Reighman. (via e-mail)
Notice 06/26/2007 Notice of Bench Requests (Due by Monday, July 9, 2007)
Comment 06/06/2007 Revised comments on behalf NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail) (Hard copy rec'd 06/07/07)
Comment 06/06/2007 Responsive Comments of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffiftch (via e-mail) (Hard copy rec'd 06/07/07)
Comment 06/06/2007 Comments on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Lawrence Reichman. (via e-mail) (Hard copy rec'd 06/07/07)
Notice 05/29/2007 Notice of Opportunity to File Responsive Comments (By Wednesday, June 6, 2007)
Comment 05/23/2007 Replacement comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail) (Hard copy rec'd 05/24/07)
Comment 05/22/2007 Comments on behalf of UTC Staff from Gregory Trautman, RE: Conservation and Low Income Weatherization Plan of Cascade Natural Gas Company.
Comment 05/22/2007 Comments on behalf of The Energy Project from Charles M. Ebert. (scanned & posted)
Comment 05/22/2007 Comments on behalf of Public Counsel from Simon J. ffitch. (via e-mail)
Comment 05/22/2007 Comments on behalf of NW Energy Coalition from Danielle Dixon. (via e-mail) (Hard copy rec'd 05/23/07)
Notice 05/09/2007 Notice of Opportunity to File Comments (By Tuesday, May 22, 2007)
Compliance 05/08/2007 Conservation and Low Income Plan on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz.
Notice 05/02/2007 Notice of Substitution of Counsel for Simon J. ffitch on behalf of Public Counsel. (via e-mail) (Hard copy rec'd 05/03/07)
Letter 01/23/2007 Letter to Carole Washburn from Nancy Glaser on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition, RE: Acceptance of conditions set forth in paragraph 87 of Order 05. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 01/25/07)
Compliance 01/18/2007 Carole Washburn letter to all parties regarding change of effective date to January 19, 2007 with the exception of Tariff Sheet No. 25.
Letter 01/17/2007 Letter on behalf of Staff from Gregory J. Trautman, RE: Confirms acceptance of conditions set forth in paragraph 87 of Order 05.
Compliance 01/17/2007 Substitute Tariff Pages on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 01/18/07)
Compliance 01/16/2007 Compliance filing on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz. (via e-mail) (Hardcopy rec'd: 1/17/06)
Order - Final 01/12/2007 Order 05 - Final Order Accepting Settlement, Subject to Conditions; Rejecting Tariff Sheets; Authorizing and Requiring Compliance Filing
Response 12/15/2006 Response to Bench Request No. 4 on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Response 12/15/2006 Response to Bench Request No. 4 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Christine Kautzman. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/18/2006)
Notice 12/12/2006 Notice of Bench Request (Due by Friday, December 15, 2006)
Letter 12/05/2006 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from John A. Cameron on behalf of Cost Management Services, Inc., RE: Statement in Lieu of Reply Brief. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/06/06)
Brief 12/05/2006 Response Brief on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Brief 12/05/2006 Reply Brief on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/06/06)
Brief 12/05/2006 Reply Brief on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from James M. Van Nostrand. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/06/06)
Brief 12/05/2006 Post-Hearing Reply Brief on behalf of NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser (via e-mail) (Hard copy received 12/5/06)
Notice 11/30/2006 Notice Granting Extension of Time (Tuesday, December 5, 2006, by 3:00 p.m.)(Hardcopy rec'd 12/06/06)
Letter 11/30/2006 Letter to Carole Washburn from Judith Krebs on behalf of Public Counsel, RE: Request for extension of time to file reply briefs. (via e-mail)
Brief 11/16/2006 Resubmitted Initial Brief on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Brief 11/15/2006 Post-Hearing Brief on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 11/16/06)
Brief 11/15/2006 Opening Brief on behalf of Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Brief 11/15/2006 Initial Brief on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea. (via e-mail)(hardcopy rec'd 11/16/06)
Brief 11/15/2006 Initial Brief on behalf of The Energy Project from Brad M. Purdy. (via e-mail) (Hardcopy rec'd: 11/16/06)
Brief 11/15/2006 Initial Brief on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail) (Hardcopy rec'd: 11/16/06)
Brief 11/15/2006 Initial Brief on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from James M. Van Nostrand. (via e-mail) (Hardcopy rec'd: 11/16/06)
Exhibit 11/07/2006 Exhibits 1 -2, 10 - 88, 91-T - 143, 151-T - 153, 161-T - 188, 191-T - 198, 201-T - 204, 211-T - 215, 220-T - 233, 241-T - 246, 251-T - 273, 281-T - 309, 311-T - 330, 341-T - 348, 351-T - 358, 361-T - 384, 391-T - 419, 421-T - 437, 441-T - 471, 481-T - 482, 491, and 501 - 506 admitted.
Exhibit 11/07/2006 Exhibits 1 -2, 10 - 88, 91-T - 143, 151-T - 153, 161-T - 188, 191-T - 198, 201-T - 204, 211-T - 215, 220-T - 233, 241-T - 246, 251-T - 273, 281-T - 309, 311-T - 330, 341-T - 348, 351-T - 358, 361-T - 384, 391-T - 419, 421-T - 437, 441-T - 471, 481-T - 482, 491, and 501 - 506 admitted.
Transcript 10/20/2006 Transcript Volume 6, October 12, 2006, Pages 152-349. (Billing 11/8/06)
Transcript 10/20/2006 Transcript Volume 5, October 9, 2006, Pages 138-151. (Billing 11/8/06)
Exhibit 10/20/2006 Report "A Review of Distribution Margin Normalization as Approved by the Oregon Public Utility Commission for Northwest Natural" as part of Exhibit 317 on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from James M. Van Nostrand. (Scanned & Posted)
Agreement 10/11/2006 Settlement Agreement and Narrative Statement Regarding Settlement Agreement on behalf of Parties from James M. Van Nostrand. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/11/06)
Document 10/11/2006 Revised Attachment C to Settlement Agreement on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from James M. Van Nostrand. (via e-mail)
Exhibit 10/10/2006 Cross-Examination Exbibits for witnesses Stoltz and Bernard on behalf of the Energy Project from Brad Purdy.
Testimony 10/06/2006 Errata to Direct Testimony of Michael L. Brosch on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/09/06)
Notice 10/06/2006 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Monday, October 9, 2006, at 8:30 a.m.)
Stipulation 10/05/2006 Stipulation on Rate Spread, Rate Design Issues on behalf of Parties from James M. Van Nostrand. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/6/06)
Response 10/05/2006 Response to Bench Request No. 3 on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman. (via e-mail)
Exhibit 10/05/2006 Proposed Cross-Examination Exhibits on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Confidentiality Agreement 10/05/2006 Confidentiality Agreements for Chris Rose and Gene L. Waas on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Stipulation 10/04/2006 Stipulation on Revenue Requirement Issues on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation and Commission Staff from James Van Nostrand. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/5/2006)
Document 10/04/2006 Cross-Examination exhibit list on behalf of Cost Management Service, Inc., from John Cameron. (via e-mail)
Notice 09/26/2006 Notice Granting Extension of Time (Wednesday, October 4, 2006, by Noon)
Testimony 09/25/2006 Errata to Testimony and Exhibits for Yohannes K.G. Mariam, Joelle Steward and Mike Parvinen on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Letter 09/25/2006 Letter to Ann E. Rendahl, ALJ from Judith Krebs on behalf of Public Counsel, RE: Request for Extension of Time for Idendifying Cross-Exhibits, Providing Cross Examination time Estimates and Proposing the Order of Witnesses. (via e-mail)
Transcript 09/21/2006 Transcript Volume 4, September 7, 2006, Pages 99-137. (Billing 10/25/06)
Notice 09/21/2006 Notice of Bench Request (Due by Thursday, October 5, 2006)
Exhibit 09/21/2006 Corrected substitute Exhibit (JTS-13) for Jon T. Stoltz on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Christine Kautzman (via e-mail).
Transcript 09/19/2006 Corrected Transcript, Volume 3, August 29, 2006, Pages 55-98.
Order - Prehearing Conference 09/18/2006 Order 04 - Prehearing Conference Order
Notice 09/14/2006 Notice of Change of Address for Public Counsel from Carol Williams (via e-mail). (hard copy rec'd 09/15/06)
Transcript 09/13/2006 Transcript Volume 3, August 29, 2006, Pages 55-98. (Billing: 4/19/07)
Testimony 09/13/2006 Amended Errata to Testimony of Yohannes K.G. Mariam on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Testimony 09/12/2006 Rebuttal testimony of David Stevens, Dr. Roger Morin, F. Jay Cummings, Jon Stoltz, Katherine Barnard, and Matthew McArthur on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz. (via e-mail)
Testimony 09/12/2006 Rebuttal testimony of Charles Eberdt on behalf of The Energy Project from Brad Purdy. (via e-mail)
Letter 09/12/2006 Cross-Rebuttal Testimony of Michael L. Brosch and Jim Lazar on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)
Testimony 09/11/2006 Response Testimony of Gene L. Waas and Joelle R. Steward on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Testimony 09/11/2006 Rebuttal Testimony of Steven D. Weiss on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 9/12/06)
Response 09/08/2006 Response to Bench Requests 1 and 2 on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Response 09/08/2006 Response to Bench Request No. 1 on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 9/11/06)
Document 09/08/2006 Errata to Testimony of Yohannes K.G. Mariam on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Response 08/31/2006 Response to Bench Request No. 1 on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/5/06)
Response 08/30/2006 Response to Bench Request No. 1 on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser. (Scanned & Posted)
Notice of Hearing 08/25/2006 Notice of Prehearing Conference, Notice of Possible Consolidation (Set for September 14, 2006 at 9:30 a.m.)
Notice 08/24/2006 Notice of Bench Requests (Due by Friday, September 8, 2006)
Exhibit 08/22/2006 Revised Testimony and Exhibits for David C. Parcell and Revised Exhibits for Yohannes K.G. Mariam on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Confidentiality Agreement 08/16/2006 Confidentiality Agreement for Steven Weiss on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser. (Scanned & Posted)
Testimony 08/15/2006 Testimony and Exhibits for Michael P. Parvinen, Joelle R. Steward, David C. Parcell, and Yohannes K.G. Mariam, on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Testimony 08/15/2006 Direct Testimony of Steven D. Weiss on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/16/06)
Testimony 08/15/2006 Direct Testimony of Michael L. Brosch and Jim Lazar on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/16/06)
Testimony 08/15/2006 Direct Testimony of David H. Hawk and Donald W. Schoenbeck on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Tanya Roy. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/16/06)
Testimony 08/15/2006 Direct Testimony of Charles Eberdt on behalf of The Energy Project from Brad M. Purdy. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/16/06)
Testimony 08/14/2006 Direct Testimony of Theodore S. Lehmann on behalf of Cost Management Services, Inc., from John A. Cameron. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 8/15/06)
Notice 08/11/2006 Notice Permitting Electronic Submission of Documents
Transcript 08/08/2006 Transcript Volume 2, July 25, 2006, Pages 35-54. (Billing 8/17/06)
Order - Prehearing Conference 07/26/2006 Order 03 - Prehearing Conference Order
Notice 07/21/2006 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for Tuesday, July 25, 2006, at 9:00 a.m.)
Notice of Hearing 06/27/2006 Notice of Public Comment Hearings (Set for Tuesday, August 29, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. -- Yakima) and (Set for Thursday, September 7, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. -- Bellingham)
Letter 06/15/2006 Letter on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs, RE: Report on the status of public notice and public comment in this matter (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 6/20/06).
Notice 05/22/2006 Notice of Extension of Deadline For Reporting Schedule of Public Hearing(s) (By Friday, May 26, 2006).
Email 05/19/2006 E-mail to Karen Caille, ALJ from Judith Krebs on behalf of Parties, RE: Request to extend the public hearing report back deadline and response from Karen Caille, ALJ. (via e-mail)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/10/2006 Confidentiality Agreement for John A. Cameron on behalf of Cost Management Services, Inc., from John A. Cameron. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy 5/15/2006)
Letter 05/08/2006 Letter to Carole J. Washburn from James M. Van Nostrand on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, RE: License Agreement for TACOS Gold. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 5/9/06)
Replacement Page 05/03/2006 Replacement page on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Christine Kautzman. (via e-mail)
Confidentiality Agreement 05/01/2006 Confidentiality Agreements for Carol Williams, Mary Kimball, Jim Lazar, Michael Brosch, Steven Carver, James Dittmer, and Debra Clark on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/26/2006 Confidentiality Agreements for Edward A. Finklea, Chad M. Stokes, Donald W. Schoenbeck, and Robynn Woodbury on behalf of NWIGU from Edward A. Finklea. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/28/06)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/21/2006 Confidentiality Agreement for Scott M. Magie on behalf of Mint Farm Energy Center, LLC from Scott Magie. (via e-mail)
Notice 04/20/2006 Notice of Appearance on behalf of Cost Management Services, Inc. (CMS), from John A. Cameron. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 4/24/06)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/20/2006 Confidentiality Agreements for Greg Trautman, Mike Parvinen, Joanna Huang, Joelle Steward, Jim Russell, and Yohannes Mariam on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/19/2006 Confidentiality Agreements for Nancy Glaser and Danielle Dixon on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser. (Scanned & Posted)
Confidentiality Agreement 04/18/2006 Confidentiality Agreement for Glenn Blackmon on behalf of Commission Staff from Gregory J. Trautman.
Confidentiality Agreement 04/17/2006 Confidentiality Agreements for Simon J. ffitch, Judith Krebs, Steven Johnson, Stefanie Johnson, Kathryn Zsoka, and Elizabeth Jackson on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (Scanned & Posted)
Order - Protective 04/13/2006 Order 02 - Protective Order
Order - Prehearing Conference 04/13/2006 Order 01 - Prehearing Conference Order; Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for October 5, 2006); Notice of Hearing (Set for October 9, 2006)
Petition 04/12/2006 Petition to Intervene on behalf of Cost Management Services, Inc., from P. Douglas Betzold. (Scanned & Posted)
Response 04/07/2006 Statement of Position in Response to Public Counsel's Motion to Compel Supplementation on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from James M. Van Nostrand. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 4/10/06)
Petition 04/07/2006 Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance on behalf of The Energy Project from Brad M. Purdy. (Scanned & Posted)
Comment 04/07/2006 Support for Public Counsel's Motion to Compel Supplementation of Cascade's General Rate Case Filing Pursuant to WAC 480-07-500 and WAC 480-07-510 on behalf of the NW Energy Coalition from Nancy Glaser. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 4/10/06)
Comment 04/07/2006 Comments on behalf of the Mint Farm Energy Center, LLC from Scott M. Magie. (via e-mail)
Comment 04/07/2006 Comments of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users to Public Counsel's Motion to Compel from Edward A. Finklea. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 4/10/06).
Petition 04/05/2006 Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance on behalf of NW Energy Coalition (NWEC) from Nancy Hirsh.
Notice 04/03/2006 Notice of Opportunity to File Written Statements (By Friday, April 7, 2006, 3 p.m.)
Motion 03/30/2006 Motion to Compel Supplementation of Cascade's General Rate Case Filing Pursuant to WAC 480-07-500 and WAC 480-07-510 on behalf of Public Counsel from Judith Krebs. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 3/31/06)
Petition 03/27/2006 Request for Intervention on behalf of Mint Farm Energy Center LLC (MFEC) from Scott M. Magie. (via e-mail)
Petition 03/24/2006 Petition to Intervene and Notice of Appearance on behalf of the Northwest Industrial Gas Users from Edward A. Finklea.
Notice of Hearing 03/21/2006 Notice of Prehearing Conference (Set for April 11, 2006, 1:30 p.m.)
Order - Suspension 03/15/2006 Order 01 Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions.
Petition 03/03/2006 Petition to Intervene on behalf of The International Chemical Workers Union Local 121-C from Vincent J. Diaz. (Scanned & Posted)
Testimony 02/14/2006 Direct Testimony of David W. Stevens, Jon T. Stoltz, Katherine J. Barnard, James E. Haug, Roger Morin, Matthew McArthur, Philip Mote, Lamar Maxwell Dickey, and F. Jay Cummings on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation from Jon T. Stoltz.
Initial Filing 02/14/2006 Initial filing on behalf of Cascade Natural Gas Corporation, from Jon T. Stoltz. (via e-mail)