UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TE - 060868


Filter by document type: All | Application | Order - Final | Penalty Assessment | Response
Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 10/02/2006 Order 01 - Order Denying Mitigation
Response 09/20/2006 Commission Staff's Response to SeaTac Motor Coaches' Application for Mitigation, Declaration of Sheri Hoyt, Declaration of Thomas R. McVaugh.
Response 09/20/2006 Commission Staff's Response to SeaTac Motor Coaches' Application for Mitigation, Declaration of Sheri Hoyt, Declaration of Thomas R. McVaugh.
Application 09/05/2006 Application for Mitigation of Penalties on behalf of SeaTac Motor Coaches, LLC. (Scanned & Posted)
Penalty Assessment 07/27/2006 Penalty Assessment of $2,900 issued to SeaTac Motor Coaches, LLC, for 29 violations of WAC 480-40-070