UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 061091


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Document Type Date Description
Document 09/29/2009 Attachment 24 to revised Affiliated Interest Agreement between Verizon telephone operating companies, including Verizon Northwest Inc., and Verizon Business Network Services, Verizon Long Distance, Verizon Enterprise Services, and Verizon Select Services from Sumeer Singla. (Scanned & Posted)
Document 07/28/2009 Redacted attachment 25 to Master Services Agreement between Verizon telephone operating compnaies, including Verizon Northwest Inc., and Verizon Business Network Services, Inc., from Sumeer Singla. (scanned & posted)
Document 05/14/2007 Attachments 8 and 11 to the Master Services Agreement between Verizon telephone operating companies, including Verizon Northwest Inc., and Verizon Business Network Services, Verizon Long Distance, Verizon Enterprise Solutions and Verizon Select Services from Richard E. Potter. (Scanned & Posted)
Document 05/09/2007 Attachment 10 to revised Affiliated Interest Agreement between Verizon telephone operating companies, including Verizon Northwest Inc., and Verizon Business Network Services, Verizon Long Distance, Verizon Enterprise Services, and Verizon Select Services from Richard E. Potter. (Scanned & Posted)
Document 02/20/2007 Attachment 4 (Advice No. 309) to the Master Services Agreement between Verizon telephone operating companies, including Verizon Northwest Inc., and VGNI from Richard E. Potter. (Scanned & Posted)