Filing UT - 061344
Company: AK Communications, Inc., AllCom, USA, AmeriVision Communications, Inc., BAK Communications, LLC, CI2, Inc., Dial-Around Telecom, Inc., Epixtar Communications Corp., Exergy Group, LLC, Gates Communications, Inc., Global Grid Telecom, Inc., HomelandTel, LLC, Infonet Telecommunications Corporation, Inmate Communications Corporation, Integrated Voice Services, Inc., LMDS Holdings, Inc., Network PTS, Inc., NextNet Telecom, Inc., Norstan Network Services, Inc., Northwest Open Access Network Oregon, NTC Network, LLC, OnFiber Carrier Services, Inc., Opcom, Inc., PHONETEC, LP, PT-1 Communications, Inc., PT-1 Long Distance, Inc., Quality Telephone, Inc., RDST, Inc., Telliss, LLC, Time Warner Telecom of Washington LLC, T-Netix, Inc., TON Services, Inc., Universal Access, Inc., US Telecom, Inc., W2COM International, LLC, Western CLEC Corporation, Wilshire Connection, LLC
DBA: Lifeline Communications, Affinity 4, Integrated Voice Services, Inc., NoaNet Oregon, WCS Telecom, Sprint Services
Filing Type: Special Project
Case Status: Closed
Dates (Opened & Effective): 08/21/2006 & 01/11/2025
Summary: Revocation of authority for telecommunication companies for failure to file 2005 annual reports and/or pay 2006 regulatory fees