UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TV - 061396


Document Type Date Description
Order - Final 02/26/2007 Notice of Finality.
Exhibit 02/08/2007 Exhibits 1 - 5 admitted.
Notice 02/06/2007 Notice of Commission Waiver of Discretionary Review
Order - Initial 02/01/2007 Order 01 - Initial Order Approving and Adopting Settlement Agreement.
Agreement 01/29/2007 Settlement Agreement and Supporting Narrative on behalf of Parties from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Transcript 11/13/2006 Transcript Volume 1, October 27, 2006, Pages 1-46. (Billing 11/28/06)
Response 10/18/2006 Response to Notice Requiring Reasons in Support of its Application For Mitigation on behalf of Cascade Moving & Storage, Inc., from Sarah Herrin. (via e-mail)(Hardcopy rec'd 10/23/2006)
Notice of Hearing 10/05/2006 Notice Requiring Cascade Moving & Storage to State Reasons in Support of its Application For Mitigation (Due by October 16, 2006) and Notice of Hearing (Set for October 27, 2006, 9:30 a.m.)
Response 10/03/2006 Response to Cascade Moving & Storage's Application for Mitigation on behalf of Staff from Jennifer Cameron-Rulkowski.
Application 09/13/2006 Application for Mitigation of Penalties on behalf of Cascade Moving & Storage, Inc., from Eric L. Stephens. (Scanned & Posted)
Penalty Assessment 09/05/2006 Penalty Assessment of $4,900 issued to Cascade Moving & Storage, Inc. for failure to comply with WAC 480-15, which governs the transportation of household goods.
Report 08/31/2006 Staff Investigation Report into the Business Practices of Cascade Moving & Storage, Inc.
Memorandum 08/30/2006 Memorandum to Bob Wallis from Vicki Elliott, re: Recommended Penalty Assessment.