UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 070591


Document Type Date Description
Letter 08/11/2010 Letter on behalf of the City of Puyallup from David B. Hidebrandt, RE: notification of the Shaw Road Extension Project. (scanned & posted)
Order - Final 01/29/2009 Order 01 Order Granting Petition to Construct a Public Highway-Rail Grade Crossing at Shaw Road. USDOT: 922993J UTC: 42A 32.67
Document 12/26/2008 Waiver of Hearing on behalf of Ballard Terminal Railroad Company, LLC, from Byron D. Cole. (scanned & posted)
Letter 12/01/2008 Letter to Byron Cole from Dave Danner, RE: Petition from the City of Puyallup to Construct a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing at Shaw Road. (scanned & posted)
Replacement Page 11/25/2008 Revised Petition to Construct or Reconstruct a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing on behalf of City of Puyallup, from Tom Heinecke. (scanned & posted)
Document 02/06/2008 Supplement to Petition on behalf of HNTB from Matt McMenamin, RE: layout sketch and signal timing. (via e-mail)
Letter 05/01/2007 Carole Washburn letter to Tom Heinecke, RE: TR-070591, Petition to Construct a Highway-Rail Grade Crossing.
Email 04/18/2007 E-mail to Kathy Hunter from Dave Hilderbrant on behalf of city of Puyallup, RE: Shaw Road RR Crossing - supplemental information.
Initial Filing 03/22/2007 Initial filing on behalf of the City of Puyallup from Tom Heinecke. (Scanned & Posted)