UTC Case Docket Document Sets


Filing UT - 080193


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Document Type Date Description
Document 08/01/2008 Embarq's Petition to the FCC on August 1, 2008, in CC Docket 01-92 (Unified Interstate and Intrastate Access Charge Proposal)
Document 03/12/2008 USTelecom (USTA) Ex Parte Presentation to the FCC regarding Phantom Traffic Solution.
Document 03/12/2008 CTIA Ex Parte Presentation to the FCC regarding USTA's phantom traffic solution.
Document 02/08/2008 FeatureGroup IP's Ex Parte presentation to members of the FCC regarding intercarrier compensation reform and phantom traffic response.
Document 02/01/2008 National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA) petition before the FCC for an Interim Order on Intercarrier Compensation Reform. (posted)