Filing UG - 080417
Document Type |
Date |
Description |
Letter |
03/27/2009 |
David Danner letter to Clerk of Thurston County Courthouse, RE: Transmit record; Letter to Simon ffitch, AAG, Public Counsel, Submission of court record; Index to Court Records, and Certificate RE: Thurston County Superior Court Case No. 09-2-00171-2.
Order - Final |
12/29/2008 |
Order 08 - Final Order Approving and Adopting Multi-Party Settlement Stipulation and Requiring Compliance Filing.
Consolidation Order |
03/06/2008 |
Order 01 - Complaint and Order Suspending Tariff Revisions and Order of Consolidation.
Testimony |
03/04/2008 |
Testimony and Exhibits on behalf of Avista Corporation from Kelly Norwood. (scanned & posted)
Initial Filing |
03/04/2008 |
Initial filing on behalf of Avista Corporation, from Kelly Norwood. (scanned and posted)