UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing TR - 081229


Document Type Date Description
Email 08/03/2012 Email to Kathy Hunter on behalf of WSDOT from Frank G. Davidson, RE: Rail crossings ready for UTC Inspection. (via email)
Order - Final 05/14/2010 Order 03 - Final Order Denying Motion for Reconsideration.
Response 04/30/2010 Answer to City of Lakewood's Motion to Reconsider, on behalf of Staff, from Fronda Woods.
Response 04/30/2010 Answer in Opposition to the City of Lakewood's Motion on behalf of WSDOT from Tiffany R. Horton. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/30/2010)
Notice 04/26/2010 Notice of Opportunity to File Answers to Motion for Reconsideration (Answers Due Friday, April 30, 2010)
Motion 04/23/2010 Motion to Reconsider Order Denying Motions to Rescind Final Orders and corrected cover letter on behalf of the City of Lakewood from Cynthia Wright. (via Web Portal) (inadvertently filed under an incorrect docket number per companies cover letter) (hard copy rec'd 04/26/2010)
Order - Final 04/15/2010 Order 02 - Order Consolidating Dockets and Denying Motions to Rescind Final Orders.
Response 04/06/2010 Response on behalf of WSDOT from Tiffany R. Horton, RE: Opposition to City of Lakewood's Motion to Rescind Final Order. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/07/2010)
Response 04/06/2010 Opposition to City of Lakewood's Motions to Rescind Final Orders on behalf of Staff from Fronda Woods.
Testimony 04/06/2010 Declaration of Kevin M. Jeffers on behalf of WSDOT from Tiffany R. Horton. (via e-mail) (hard copy rec'd 04/07/2010)
Motion 03/30/2010 Motion to Rescind Final Order Granting, With Conditions, a Petition to Modify; and Consolidate for Hearing on behalf of the City of Lakewood from Cheryl A. Thompson. (scanned & posted)
Order - Final 09/24/2008 Order Granting Petition with Conditions, to Modify a Public Highway-Rail Grade Crossing at Steilacoom Boulevard SW - Order 01.
Document 09/19/2008 Waiver of Hearing by Respondent City of Lakewood from Don E. Wickstrom. (scanned & posted)
Document 07/29/2008 Waiver of Hearing by Respondent on behalf of Sound Transit, from James B. Edwards. (scanned & posted)
Document 07/17/2008 Request for waiver of hearing on behalf of Tacoma Rail from Alan Hardy. (scanned & posted)
Initial Filing 07/02/2008 Initial filing on behalf of USDOT from Kevin Jeffers. (scanned & posted)