UTC Case Docket Document Sets

Filing UE - 081842


Document Type Date Description
Compliance 12/04/2009 Compliance documents on behalf of Avista Corporation from Diane C. Thoren, RE: Authorization to issue up to $250,000,000 of various debt arrangements. (scanned & posted)
Order - Final 11/13/2009 Order 03, Order Establishing Compliance With RCW 80.08.040, Securities.
Letter 10/05/2009 Letter on behalf of Avista Corp., from Diane C. Thoren, RE: request to modify the fees and borrowing spreads. (scanned & posted)
Compliance 12/11/2008 Compliance filing on behalf of Avista Corporation from Diane C. Thoren. (scanned & posted) NOTE: Avista will submit replacement cover letter with correct docket number.
Order - Final 11/10/2008 Order 02, Order Establishing Compliance with RCW 80.08.040, Securities
Amendment 11/06/2008 Letter on behalf of Avista Corporation from Diane C. Thoren, RE: Request to modify the short-term borrowing limits, by increasing the limit to $250,000,000, and amend the fees and borrowing spreads. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 11/10/08)
Order - Final 10/17/2008 Order 01, Order Establishing Compliance with RCW 80.08.040, Securities
Replacement Page 10/16/2008 Letter on behalf of Avista Corporation from Diane C. Thoren, RE: Request to amend application to increase the request amount from $150,000,000 to $225,000,000 and replacing item #2 in initial filing. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 10/17/08)
Initial Filing 10/09/2008 Initial filing on behalf of Avista Corporation from Diane Thoren. (via web portal) (hard copy rec'd 10-10-08)